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        NAYARA SAT SILENTLYon Kara's couch. After she had met Green Arrow, she had asked Barry to bring her back here despite him being so excited to present her his girlfriend. Before he left, Nayara had reminded him about how he needed to propose to Iris and remind her how much he loved her.

Nayara spread the newspaper from the Marvel world over the table. She looked at them as she thought of them. She knew that she wanted to change Steve's fate whatever the cost, even it she had to jump in front of the bullet. Although, since she had nobody to talk to, and more than free time she decided to try to come up with a plan about the Civil War. Maybe, if she found the reason behind it, the key cause of it, she would be able to stop it.

"Hulk vs Ross, yeah. Great fight, green big guy won. Ross defeated." Nayara said in thought as she looked at the paper in front of her. As she was about to note something down, a loud knock was heard.

Nayara stood up from her seat, walking to the door. She sighed, opening the door to reveal the big smile of the one and only Wally West. Nayara smiled at him. The boy had been all but kind and a great friend to her. It was nice to have someone else than Barry and Kara to talk to.

"Hey, Wally. What are you doing here in National City?" Nayara asked him, smiling lightly at him.

"I wanted to see how you were doing." Wally said, giving her a cheeky smile. Nayara shook her head.

"You didn't really have to go to all the trouble to come here. I bet the train ride took you forever." Nayara said, even though she knew that he had not necessarily had taken the train; but again he did not that she knew the truth about him.

Wally looked over Nayara's shoulder at the apartment. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, come in." Nayara said as she moved so that Wally could pass. Wally entered apartment and immediately spotted a picture of a blonde and Nayara.

He walked to it and picked it up. "That's my roommate Kara. She is a good friend of mine." Nayara said. Then she left to her room. The brunette returned with a picture of Emma Frost. She gave it to Wally. "That's my guardian. Her name is Emma. She took care of me when I had nobody else." Nayara said, smiling at the memory of Emma. "I lost my parents not so long ago, and she was there for me. You know, a year after I lost them I met Barry and my roommate Kara and everything seemed to brighten a lot for a while." Nayara said as she looked at the image over Wally's shoulder. It was the first time she had given information about herself to someone who she had just started to get to know personally.

"Do you miss them? Your parents?" Wally asked her.

"I do." Nayara said, her eyes dying down. "I might have lost one family, but I have gained another one." She added.

"I came here because...I thought....that maybe you would like to come to a party with me." Wally told her. Nayara smiled at him. "As friend, of course in a totally platonic way." Wally added.

"You want me to be your wingman?" Nayara asked, giving a wink to Wally. "I mean, the good thing about having a girl as a friend is that I could let you inside the mind of girls. That and I normally tend to be good at reading people." Nayara said, smiling lightly at him.

"Alright, I pick you up at six. Is that alright?" Wally asked her. Nayara nodded at him. Nayara walked Wally to the door, and opened it for him. Wally gave her a small wave before the door. Nayara heard the gush of wind hit the door, signaling his leaving.

. . .

"So? A party?" Kara asked her as she sat on her bed. Nayara walked out of the bathroom with a nice dress on.

"I don't know if it is formal or casual. I don't even know where it is. Maybe Wally has no idea where it is at all." Nayara sighed, looking at Kara.

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