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      NAYARA STOPPED A few blocks away from the private school she was aiming to reach. She was tired, stressed and her symptoms of her own illness where beginning to show. There were two posibilites of where she was: real or dream. Everything seemed so real to her, which didn't help the fact that she herself had realistic dreams. Although, she was determined that even if it were - which she now doubted - she will reach the only team she trusted with her entire life. A team witch was made up by people she admired from such a young age, and knew that if it was up to her to demonstrate them that she was telling the truth, she will allow one certain person to reach the inside of her mind. 

The brunette stood up, taking a quite sip of the water she had bought in the train station. She walked quietly the few blocks left and stopped at the entrance of the school. Her eyes landed on the big mansion in front of her, and her breath was taken away. She could faintly hear children playing. 

She touch the rusted metal plate at the entrance that expelled and distinguished name: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. 

She softly opened the gate, and walked inside the premise. She admired the smell of flowers, and the beautiful structure. It amazed her how somehow she slowly started to feel calmer and almost at home. She knocked the door, looking around to spot anyone who could help her find the professor. 

The door opened, reviling a woman with white hair, and dark skin. A woman who she had known her entire life, even if the woman never seen her before. "Hi, how can I help you?" She asked her. 

"Hi, I'm...I looking for Professor Xavier. I think he might help me on something. My parents told me that if I were in trouble I could trust him." She lied to the woman. 

The woman smiled at her. "What's your name?" She asked. 

"Nayara Lilly." She told her proudly. 

"Well...umm...he is busy. Right now." She said. "Come in anyway." She said. 

"My parents were thinking of putting here in school, but they disappeared before they could." Nayara said, hiding the truth. 

"Well, I'm Ororo Monroe. I am the principal now. I have taken over Professor's X position." She said to Nayara. 

Good, Jean Grey hasn't taken over the school yet, Nayara thought. Nayara looked quickly at one group of students, where one was using his telekinesis. Nayara smiled slightly, amazed by it. 

"So, who are your parents?" Ororo asked. 

"Maria and Joe Lilly." Nayara replied. 

"What did they saw in the school?" The woman asked her. 

"Potential and happiness." Nayara replied without a second thought. 

"Wait here." The woman said, stopping in one of the rooms. Nayara saw Ororo open the door, and she smiled slightly when she spotted a huge man made of metal. Nayara looked around, spotting a man in a wheel chair down the hall. He had a bald head, and a aged face. 

Nayara stepped away from the room, and quietly followed the man who was wheeling away. She was half surprised that the man had not noticed her. She tried her best to keep her thoughts quiet and blank as she followed the man to his office. 

The man turned to look at her when she closed the door behind her. "Hi...I-I'm Nayara Lilly. Professor X, I need your help." She told the man. 

The man looked up to her surprised by the name she had used on him. "I did notice you following me, but I presume you were one of my students who was trying to prank me." He said, narrowing the eyes at her. 

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