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             NAYARA CARRIED OUT the coffee with one hand as she entered the apartament. Barry ran to her and helped her before the coffee fell to the floor. "Have you been working on the design of the thing?" Nayara asked him. 

"Yeah, although we need space to built it." Barry told her. "How are we going to built it? With what materials?" Barry asked her. 

"Oh, Theodore has them." Nayara said to him. "He called me this morning telling me about the prototype and how it might take longer, but you are here so hopefully it will be shorter." Nayara told him. She followed him to the kitchen, where he had plans all laid around the kitchen. "I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of freaking out at the fact that I'm standing right next to the Flash. Like Flash is living in my apartment is sitting down drinking coffee with me." She quickly added as she took a seat.

Barry chuckled at her. It soon ended when he heard the door ring. Barry ran to the door and opened it. As soon as he did a set of claws were put in front of his throat. The man who it belonged to closed the door.

Barry being Barry ran away from the man and into the kitchen. He looked at Nayara who was oblivious to the concerned face of him. "Barry-" she started to form a question but was cut off by Barry.

"We got to go now." Barry told her, before speeding off to get his suit.

In a blink of an eye he had returned. "But what about my coffee?" Nayara asked him. He did not answer. Instead he took a hold of Nayara.

Before he could speed off somewhere else, the same set of claws. Nayara looked at the man who it belonged to and she swore loudly. Barry quickly moved away from him and pushed Nayara behind him.

"What the hell?" Logan yelled in annoyance.

"Barry-" Nayara started, but was cut off by the speedster.

"Get ready to run." Barry whispered to her.

Nayara sighed. She was glad that Barry took such a quick initiative to safe her life, but it was useless against Logan. The reason being that she knew he would never hurt her.

"Barry!" Nayara exclaimed. Barry turned to face her with a frown. "You don't need to-" She stopped when she saw how Logan had pushed Barry to the wall. He held him by the throat with one hand while he use the other to threatening him with his own metal claws. "Will somebody let me finish! Why do we always have to resource into fights?" Nayara yelled, smacking Logan on his arm. "Let him down. Now!" Nayara yelled louder.

"He-" Logan started, but Nayara was the one to cut him off this time.

"You better let him down now, Logan. I said now!" Nayara yelled louder. Logan flinched, his enhanced hearing becoming a burden in this case.

The said mutant stepped away from the scarlet speedters. For safety percussions, Nayara stepped between Logan and Barry. "Take your claws out. Come on." Nayara told Logan.

"No." Logan told her.

"He is not a threat." Nayara said.

Logan glared at Barry who was catching his breath. "How do you know that? Last time I checked you got HYDRA right in your tail, trying to kill you." Logan argued.

Barry looked confused at Nayara. "You got somebody trying to kill you. I didn't know that." Barry told her.

"He is not a threat, Logan. He saved me." Nayara told him.

"Yeah, I'm a hero. That's what I do." Barry added.

"That is one of the cheesiest lines I have ever heard you say." Nayara told him, holding back a laugh.

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