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             NAYARA WAS STUCK in the police station. She wouldn't have mind if it weren't for the fact that she was completely soaked and freezing. An officer was kind and gave her a blanket for the least. She remained quiet, watching how the blonde hero left an office and looked at her. She send him a quiet look asking him to not approach her not ask any other question, and he at least remained at a distance. 

Minutes past as she saw how the door was opened by a woman with red hair, followed by two men. She sighed, recognizing them. Betty Bordouz nodded to the girl before walking away. She relaxed when she saw James/Logan and Theodore walk to her. 

"I am here to pick you up, kid." Theodore told the girl. 

The teenager looked at him with a slight frown. "Where is Emma?" Nayara asked them. She looked at James  waiting for his response. 

The man looked over his shoulder and then back at the girl. "She is doing a international trip. She will be back soon. Theodore and me are here to pick you up. She got to the call...but she can't come right now." James said to her. Nayara nodded at him. 

"That is why we came. We didn't want you to wait up thousands of hours in the station. It's pouring outside." Theodore told her. 

"You got a call?" Nayara asked the man. 

Theodore nodded. "In case Emma didn't answer, I wrote down my number." Theodore said to her. He pointed at James. "I asked him to come in because I knew you wouldn't trust me enough to believe me." Theodore told her. 

Nayara nodded at him. "I trust him more." Nayara said pointing at the mutant that was standing in front of her.  "No offense. Thank you for coming." Nayara said. James contained the surprise, by looking around the police station. "I can go now?" Nayara asked them. 

"I will go and see. I will be back." Theodore told the girl before walking away. 

Nayara stared at the mutant, tilting her head to the side in thought. "You are taller that I thought." Nayara said to him, before pulling her blanket closer to her as she shivered. "I didn't asked for this you know. I was leaving 

"Stark Industries?" James asked her, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"I didn't asked for it. None of it, you know. A...A friend send the video to a contest without my knowledge and it just did. I was trying to walk away when a man tried to shoot another man next to me and another man took the hit." Nayara told James, looking at her. 

"Why are you telling me this?" James asked her. 

Nayara did not felt offended by the question like some people might have since she knew James a lot. He might have a hard exterior but he had a great heart. "When I go through stuff I tend to talk to people 

"Why do you trust me?" James asked. 

Nayara shrugged, smiling brightly at him. "Because despite what people may think, I know you have a giant heart inside of that unemotional exterior you put up. You got a huge heart, it just takes time to see it." Nayara said to him. 

James narrowed her eyes on her. "You don't know me." He told her. If only he knew, Nayara thought. "And whatever crap Frost said-" James started but was cut off by Nayara. 

"She didn't say anything. Nobody did." Nayara said to him, looking down at her wet trainers. 

"You are free to go." Theodore said, walking towards the two. James nodded before walking away. Theodore looked at the mutant and then back at the teen sitting in one of the chairs. "You okay? Did something happened?" He asked the girl. 

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