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           NAYARA TOOK HER camera that Emma had given her as she followed Kara out of her apartment. The blonde was beyond excited to tell the girl about her home city. She was even more excited to announce to her as her job as a reporter who Nayara had not been told of. She knew that the girl had a love for it as well.

As Kara talked endlessly about her own city, which Nayara once did back in the previous world, Nayara listened carefully to her. However, the explanation was broken when an explosion happed. Kara pulled Nayara down as they look around.

Nayara stood up noticing a building where somebody had jumped off to another one. "Go. I would be fine. Just go." Nayara said, nodding at the blonde. Kara nodded at her before running off to the rescue of innocent lives.

A small idea appeared on Nayara's head, which she knew that Kara would hate her for it, and ran to the action. As she tried to keep a safe distance, she turned on her camera as she photographed Kara saving somebody.

As she was about to take another picture somebody blocked her. Nayara looked annoyingly at who it was as saw the big s and the red cape. "You should run to safety." Superman told Nayara.

Nayara looked at him before rolling her eyes. "Shouldn't you be helping others instead." Nayara told him, flashing him a small smile. Superman sighed and posed for her. "What are you doing?" Nayara asked, looking at him confused.

"I thought you wanted a picture. Then you can run to safety." Superman told her, looking down at her from his flying spot.

"I'm not taking a picture of you. I'm taking a picture of Supergirl. You are taking the spotlight away from her." Nayara answered before stepping away. As she was about to take a picture she saw a piece of rumble about to fall on a small boy.

Nayara ran to the boy and moved him away just as the rubble collided with the floor. She took a hold of him and guided him to a safe distance. She saw something moved from above the roof. Silently, she took a picture of the person – who nobody knew that he had caused the explosion – and turned to Superman.

Nayara appointed at the sky. "There is a person running around the rooftops. Why don't you go and see who it is laser eyes?" Nayara said to Superman. Superman send her a look before flying off. "Posing while people are in danger, classic Superman." Nayara mumbled under her breath as she helped the people out of the way. The brunette closed her camera, and put it away.

. . .

Tony groaned as he walked to Steve's medical bed. The poison he had consumed days prior had made his body feel like it had been run over from the inside out. He saw the soldier stand up from his bed as he held his head on his hand.

"Hello sleeping beauty." Tony joked, flinching when he took a seat next to Steve.

"Where is Nayara?" Steve asked Tony. He knew that the girl had come to help. He had seen her with his own eyes before he had passed out again. He was not regretting putting her fourth in the chain of command.

"Who?" Tony asked her.

"She was here." Steve told him, stretching his neck.

"She poisoned us, and still ask for her." Tony told Steve.

Steve sent him a silent glare. "It wasn't her. I knew she would have never hugged you the way she did. She thinks you're too arrogant sometimes." Steve said to him. Tony chuckled, shaking his head. "What is so funny?" Steve asked her.

"It is too about the arrogant part. I take pride in that." Tony joked.

"You should be in bed, Tony." A loud voice said behind the two leading members of the Avengers. Thor looked at Tony with a crossed look. "I promised Nayara that I would take good care of all of you while she isn't here." Thor told them.

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