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         NAYARA NOTED DOWN a sketch of the sentinels from the comics and the different problems it had. Emma knocked on the door, and the girl looked at her from over the shoulder. "What are you doing?" She asked her. 

"A plan if the sentinels come and take over." Nayara told her. 

Emma nodded and sat down in her bed, looking at the girl with curious eyes. "So, how come you have that smile suddenly since a couple of days ago?" Emma asked the girl. She had noticed the change in attitude, and it relaxed her nerves. She was happier. 

Nayara shrugged looking at her sketches. "Peter asked me out on a date...and it went well." Nayara told Emma. 

Emma smiled brightly at her. "You are kidding?" Emma asked her. Nayara turned around complete, still in the chair and gave Emma a cheeky smile. Nayara let out a small laugh and nodded. Emma laughed as well, and then she stopped. "Umm...do we need to have the talk or...not. I mean you are old enough but, you know." Emma told her. She was still the adult of the house and it was her job to make sure everything was okay. 

"Actually, nope. We don't have to have the talk. I know the talk." Nayara told her. 

"How did it go? The date?" Emma asked her. 

Nayara let out a bigger smile that she was holding. "It was good. Really good." Nayara said before her smile fell down. 

"What is it?" Emma asked her. 

"I'm glad that he didn't listen to me...but what about everything else you know. I know his future...and I know he is not destined to be with me." Nayara told her. She sighed, regretting accepting the date. "I am currently messing up an entire time line. Great." Nayara told Emma. 

Emma looked at her. "Does he make you happy?" Emma asked her. 

Nayara nodded at her. "He does...and I am not going to lie. I have been crushing on her him since I started school. Like I already had an immense love for him as a character, and wished he was real." Nayara told her. 

"Wish granted." Emma told her. 

"But what if its like in those films were the girl or guy falls in love even if they will not end up with the ones they love. I mean, if he really does want to end up with MJ who is pretty much the love of his life...because Gwen gets killed...and Gwen also had a thing for Flash...The point is, I'm willing to let him go, because it is not me who he will end up." Nayara told Emma. 

Emma stood up from the bed and looked down at the girl. "Be selfish. Okay. Not a thing I will say, but do it. You like him, enjoy the moments with him and if it comes to that then move on." Emma told her, pointing at her. "Meanwhile, you just have to enjoy the moments. The good and the bad." Emma told her. Nayara smiled at her nodded. She looked at the sketches from over her shoulder. 

"You know, as long as nobody tries something on Senator Kelly then we are good." Nayara told her, looking at it. "Days of the Future Past, a film and a comic. Pretty interesting actually." Nayara said, looking down at it.

"What about the Civil War? The one you are so worried about." Emma said to her. 

"We will have to worry about the New Warriors. That's all." Nayara said. "Although, I doubt I will be able to stop that event, you know. It's just the ending that worries me." Nayara told Emma.

"Which is?" Emma asked her. 

Nayara looked down at the sketches with a sour look. "The death of Steve." She answered, not meeting Emma's eyes. 

. . . 

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