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           NAYARA GROANED IN annoyance as she stepped over a puddle of god knows what as she stepped out of the portal. The brunette shook her head as she stepped out of it. She was about to turn when something flew right in front of her eyes.

Nayara fell to the floor, hoping to avoid the object. She followed, seeing it collide with a wall. Nayara narrowed her eyes and frowned when she saw the green arrow. "Green Arrow?" She questioned out loud.

"Who the hell are you!" Somebody yelled from behind her.

Nayara looked over her shoulder. "Green Arrow!" She exclaimed, recognizing the green hood and the slight bear of the man. The man raised his bow. "Don't shoot. I'm friendly. I swear, I landed on the wrong place by accident. This is my first thing trying this thing and I don't know how to completely use it!" Nayara said raising her hands. "Just don't shoot, please. I haven't met Batgirl and Black Canary." She added.

She closed her eyes when she saw him shoot. The arrow passed next to her and she heard a groan behind her. Nayara looked around, seeing a man fall to the floor. "Tell Slade that those stealth suit you have sucks, buddy." Green Arrow said, stepping over Nayara and to the man.

Nayara looked at the man with wide eyes. "He is happy to join you at a nice fist fight anytime." The man said, smirking at him.

"Oh, yeah? Then why does he flee all the time? A little scare of my me, I presume." Green Arrow said, looking down at the man.

"Maybe." Nayara mumbled. Green Arrow shot her a look and she quickly became quiet.

The man suddenly started to shake before his mouth became filled with a white puff. Nayara stood up and walked closer to the man who now laid dead. Nayara frowned at him. Green Arrow knelt down next to the man, shaking his pulse, but there was none.

"Damn it!" He whispered-yelled.

Nayara sighed, a small logo catching her eye. She knelt next to the body and looked at the symbol of it. The small letters only visible if you were close enough. "Lex Corp." Nayara mumbled, looking at it.

"What did you just say?" Green Arrow asked her.

"It says the suit was made by Lex Corp. Lex Luthor's company." Nayara said, eyeing it with curiosity.

The sirens of the police cars were coming near. The Green Arrow sighed as he took a hold of Nayara's arm, tugging her. "You are coming with me." The Green Arrow said.

"Alright." Nayara said, pulling away from the grip and following him. The hero stopped right on his tracks. "What?" Nayara asked.

"You are shouldn't be trusting strangers." He replied to her.

"But you are not a stranger. You are the Green Arrow. A good guy." Nayara told him.

"What if I was an imposter?" The hooded hero said as he walked between the shadows. Unseen by nobody else but Nayara.

"An imposter could not possibly have that good of an aim. I mean, you aim is what you are known for." Nayara said, skipping a puddle. He saw him pick up the phone and dial somebody's phone number. "Are you calling Black Canary, because I have been dying to meet her. She is cool." Nayara said following the Green Arrow closely behind.

Green Arrow lifted up his hand, and motioned her to wait. She followed his intructions. He walked a few meters away. "Bats, come on. Answer." The hero mumbled under his breath, but Nayara heard him.

"No!" Nayara exclaimed, taking Green Arrow's phone away from him. The hero gave her a tired look. "You can't call Batman." She said.

"Why is that?" Green Arrow asked her.

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