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             THE TRANQUILITY OF Nayara's life seemed to return somehow. The girl had almost every night slept with her eyes wide open. She knew that helping the god of mischief was going to create horrible repercussions somehow. She did not know if he would be the one destroying it or somebody else. 

It also pained her the fact that Peter seemed to always ask her non-stop about how she knew the information about the Purple Man. She could not tell him. Especially since she did not know exactly know how he would react to the news, and Nayara didn't want to loose one of the only friends she had done in this new world. It also pained her to denied a nice quiet evening with him. Reason? Oh she had to take care of a wounded god. Someone who despite his sarcasm had been actually kind of funny to baby-sit. Although, she had to watch her mouth constantly. If she said something wrong, then he could use it against her. She had to keep her guard up even more now than ever. 

Even if Nayara thought the boy was ignoring her lies, he wasn't. It was something that shocked him, when it happened since he thought the girl trusted him enough. Nevertheless, he remained quiet by her side, showing her his support. That day on the top of the building he could see the stress within her. The hesitation and the pain, which only made him worry more. He wished he could help her somehow, and that was why he made sure that she at least tried to include her in his outgoing with his friend. He wanted to learn more about the mysterious girl who was seemed quite but her mind was loudest of them all. 

It was the reason why Nayara now sat in the living room with Peter Parker, who had volunteered to help with the chemistry work. Nayara taking down notes on the table while the boy was looking at her, forgetting everything about his own work. 

Nayara highlighted a word before looking up to him to ask him about a question she had. In response to it, the boy looked down before looking back at her. Nayara laughed lightly, shaking her head. "What you were looking at?" Nayara asked him. 

"Nothing." Peter said, looking down at his book. Nayara rolled her eyes, sensing his nervousness and seeing his cheek slightly pink. She knew him like the palm of her hand, even if he didn't really knew her. 

"I had a question about-" Nayara started but was cut off by Peter. 

"I had a question too." He said, looking at her. 

Nayara brushed a strand of hair off her face before looking him curiously. "What do you mean exactly?" Nayara asked him. 

Peter played with his own pen. "Where are you from originally?" He asked her. Nayara remained silent wondering if this was some kind of trick, but she knew that Peter was not that type of person. "I don't mean to be rude is just...I want to learn more about you." He told her. 

Nayara gave a shy smile. "Yeah?" She asked him curiously. "Why is that?" She said, looking down at her book. 

It was the boy's turn to smile. "I don't know. I mean, I like to know what my friends like." He said. "You are just you know...an entire mystery to me, Nayara." Peter confessed her. 

"I wish sometimes I wasn't." Nayara said, putting down her book. "I really wish I could tell you. I just can't. I will when I am ready though. Why? Because I trust you Peter. You are a amazing boy destined to do great things." Nayara said, smiling to herself. "I-I am from Boston, originally. Born there, but I grew up outside the states. I had a family. I don't have it anymore. They...disappeared. Emma help me out, and that's why I am here." She said playing with her pen. 

"I thought you said you weren't from here." Peter told her. 

"I'm not. Technically." Nayara said, frowning at the thought. "It's really complicated." Nayara added. She looked down at her book. 

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