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       NIGHTWING TYPED ON the computer silently, reading his notation of the pink ring he had taken from Nayara without her knowing it, and so far, it seemed like she did not notice it had gone missing.

The former member of the Batfamily and the adopted son of Bruce Wayne took out his mask, throwing it across the room in annoyance, revealing the face of Richard Grayson. "Why would she had it in the first place?" He questioned out loud. It shocked him to see that the ring was not green like the ones he had seen, but pink. Although, he had started to notice that the furthest it was from Nayara the less it shined.

"Who had what in the first place?" A voice said behind the hero.

Richard turned around to look at his former team mate. "What are you doing here, Tim?" He asked him.

Tim Drake walked quickly around, seeing the pink ring. "Well, it's the Batcave. I work here too you know." Tim answered him before quickly taking it away from him. "Why do you have a Green Lantern ring that is pink?" Tim asked him.

Richard tried removed it from his hand quickly. "I am doing some research." Richard answered him.

"Well, can I help?" Tim asked him. "Why don't you take it to the real Green Lantern? Maybe he knows what to do with it." Tim said to him.

Richard shook his head. "No." Richard answered him. "I can't take it to him because it doesn't belong to him. It belongs to somebody else.... I am just trying to figure out why somebody was looking for that person, why this ring is so significant." Richard tried to explain to Tim.

"You have to tell Batman that you have that." Tim said, looking at it. Richard shook his head, watching how the ring started to shake. "Does it do that all the time?" Tim asked him.

"It didn't used to happen until after the portals to other worlds were closed. I don't know what is causing it." Richard said to Tim. "It's normally at night when it starts to shake. It has been doing this for weeks now and I haven't figure out the reason why." Richard said to Tim.

. . .

Nayara ran from the sentinels chasing after her. The young girl took over behind some buildings and knelt down in fear. Then when she turned around she saw the red piercing eyes of the sentinels right in front of her. The girl raised her hands, trying to protect herself using her powers but it didn't work.

The sentinel's eyes started to turn a bigger shade of red as it charges it's ray. Nayara tried running, but she was stopped by more sentinels. Nayara closed her eyes, expecting the hit but it never came.

When she opened her eyes she saw how the laser bounced off a red and blue shield with a white star in the middle. Nayara looked at Steve that was standing in front of her. The girl looked at Steve with wide eyes.

"Stay back. Run when I tell you." Steve said to her from over his shoulder.


Steve yelled as he fell on the floor. Nayara looked down at Steve who was holding his chest. Nayara knelt down next to him, trying to put pressure on the wound. She tried everything, but it seemed she just made it worst.

The girl crying, looking at Steve. "This isn't supposed to happen." Nayara cried, looking at Steve. "Please, don't leave me. Please don't leave me." Nayara cried out, holding Steve. The hero put his red gloved hand over hers. Nayara cried, shaking her head at Steve. She ignored the voices behind her, calling out her name. "We are partners, remember? You are supposed to be here with me. You are my mentor. I can't do it without you." Nayara sobbed, looking at Steve as he took his last breath.

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