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                  NAYARA WAS SITTING anxiously in the couch in the small house that the Frost had up state New York. A knock broke the silence that was in the room. Kara walked to the door quickly, seeing Steve Rogers.

The blonde entered, holding his shield at hand. He looked at Nayara, who was sitting in the couch. "Nobody knew she had escaped." Steve told Nayara, then he looked at Kara. He frowned, thinking that he had seen her somewhere else. Well, he had after all. She had just saved Nayara as Supergirl.

Nayara looked up from her spot, seeing him frown. "Steve, this is my friend Kara." Nayara said, presenting the two. She stood up from her sit and left the house to speak with Steve.

Steve and Kara walked out. Steve followed Nayara as they walked away from the house. "Who was that?" Steve asked Nayara.

"Kara. I told you." Nayara answered, looking at him as she walked. She followed the small walk, which she knew lead to a small river.

Steve sighed, following the young girl. "I don't think it is safe for you to just have random friend right after almost being killed." Steve said to her. "You have never mentioned her before or been with her." Steve added to her.

"She is no trouble." Nayara said as she kicked a rock on the floor. "You have been awfully quiet." Nayara added.

"I'm thinking." Steve answered.

"What are you thinking about, Cap?" Nayara asked him curiously.

Steve Rogers looked ahead, not answering. He was thinking of his answer, and Nayara noticed this. Wow, the tables have turned. Nayara thought. Last year she was the one trying select her words carefully. 

Steve sighed, shaking his head. He did want the girl to panic or be worried about what could happen in the future, which he knew it will happened if he told her the words that the HYDRA agent said to him.

Steve glanced at Nayara. "Who was that person who helped you?" He asked her.

Nayara held back a laugh. "Don't go trying to change the topic, Steve." Nayara replied.

"I'm not changing the topic." Steve argued, but Nayara knew him well. He knew the girl did not believed him. "You shouldn't be worrying about it." Steve told her.

"So...I should then." Nayara said, looking ahead where the clearing was. She could hear the river already flow down.

"I just told you, you don't have to." Steve corrected her.

"Which makes me a little concern, because when you say that it means that there is something bigger about to come." Nayara told Steve. "And that silence tells me it is true, then. So, are you going to tell me what it is?" Nayara asked him. She stopped at the edge of the river, looking at him with a small smile.

Steve looked down at the floor. "You are too young to worry about these types of things." Steve answered her. Nayara nodded at him.

"But we are partners, right? We look after each other. I'm supposed to know if my mentor is in deep trouble." Nayara answered him. "How I'm going to protect you if you don't tell me what is going on. It must be something more than what is happening with Sharon." Nayara added.

Nayara sat down next to the river. She looked at the water before lifting her hand a little, making the water lift up into the air. Steve remained quiet, listening to how she controlled the liquid. He was hoping that what he had seen was a mere hallucination. Mainly for the sake of Nayara's.

A polite silence settled between the two. "It was about you." Steve told her. Nayara looked at him from over her shoulder. "The man that helping Sharon is dead." Steve said to her.

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