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NAYARA LILLY WAS a superhero geek. Ever since she was barely months old, all superheroes were all around her. Not in the way you expect. They were not fresh and bones, rather fictional heroes inside the colorful pages of graphic novels, and in some case the small television. When she was barely two, her father will play with her Superman. He will lift her up pretending the mere meters above the floor were the ceiling. Funnily enough, she never grew as much love for that hero as Batman. It could have been a dark character for a young girl her age, but the tv and the complexity of the character made her more interested as she grew older.

Along with the Batman shows she saw, there was a certain group that will forever remain in her heart: The X-Men. The possibility of gaining powers was something that Nayara always dreamt of. As she grew older, she engulfed herself more and more into the world of graphic novels; using it as an escape of her own world. Using it as a motivation method. Especially when she grew sick towards the end of her sophomore year.

Her father will always tell her that she was a walking hero enciclopedia. She had grown invested in the world of superheroes. It fascinated how when you took away the heroes, the graphic novels were still able to highlight social and political problems, and encourage people of all ages to remain good and hopeful even through dark times. She had read books, searched even further information about the heroes she loved and the villains they face. 

Her knowledge was what was going to help her now more than ever.

. . .

It was sunny sky in New York. The people carry on with their lives, going to work, going to school, etc. That certain morning on the 8th of May, a body had frown across worlds and landed in the outskirts of New Jersey. It was a moment that will not only change Nayara's life, but the one around her as well. 

Scientist across S.W.O.R.D, S.H.I.E.L.D and even A.I.M did not thought of the high energy levels that went across the world. They thought it was an anomaly. Oh, they were wrong.

There was just one woman who had lived a few kilometers away from the crash zone who has seen the bright light that had appeared. The woman with bright red hair took her jacket with her and her car keys and went to the crash zone.

When she arrived, she was surprised to see a young girl with brunette hair laying there. Her closed and the top of her head had a small cut on it. The woman looked around, wondering where she could have come from, but the answer she found was under the girl's body. The woman sighed, taking a hold of the girl and put her in the back of the car. She closed the door behind her, and put the backpack the girl had on the co-pilot's seat.

As she drove, she dialed urgently a phone number. "What is it hon?" The man's voice said from the other side of the line.

"I'm going towards the nearest hospital now. I found a unconscious girl laying in the middle of the forest. I will might be home later than expected."  The woman told her husband as she took a quick look at the girl in the back of the car. "She is so young." She whispered.

"Where did she come from?" Her husband asked her.

"I don't know. She was just, there." She lied. She knew that it was too much of a conscience that the girl was just where she had estimated the thing had landed from the sky. She sighed, hanging up the call. "This world is getting weirder." She murmured. And it was about to get weirder.

. . .

The young brunette oped her eyes at the dimmed lights in the hospital. She was disoriented, tired and felt as if her head was going to explode any minute. It took time, but she slowly gained recognition of her surroundings, worrying her even more. As she was about to set her foot on the ground, the door busted open by a woman with a fiery red hair and a doctor.

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