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    THE RAIN FELL harshly on the black limo. The chuffer opened it, letting out a blonde woman who did not look back as she entered the building: Lex Corp. Then a raven-haired woman stepped out of the vehicle, looking down at the photo in hand: Barry hugging Nayara.

"Why are we working with him again, Sharon?" The raven-haired woman who went by the name of Lady Dread said to her.

Sharon smirked at her. Her eyes were still glued to the picture she had taken from Barry's apartment when she tried to get Nayara. "Because he has the money, and the equipment needed." Sharon answered her. "And as far as I am concerned we need it for this to work, Lady Dread. I have tried doing this myself and it failed. Or do you have the money for it?" Sharon asked her.

"I will soon when I find the girl. My boss wants her for a very distinctive reason which I don't know." Lady Dread said. "I need her alive." The woman said, looking at Sharon who was plotting Nayara's death.

The blonde scoffed at her. "You know, all this Lady Dread thing is getting boring. Do you really don't have a normal name. I mean, I'm proud of Sharon." Sharon said to her.

Lady Dread smiled at her. "Well, it's Erica but it's not worth it here in this earth. I will be off after I find the girl." Lady Dread said to her.

The two women stopped when they spotted Deathstroke at the door. "If you don't want people to know you are here, then don't wear your villain costume out in the open." Sharon said to him before opening the doors. "Lex, how are you doing?" Sharon asked him.

Lex let out an exasperated sigh "I will be better if you had bought the girl to me." Lex told the blonde. Sharon took a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. "You came to me, saying that you knew a lot about this girl, and so we made an agreement. Which you haven't completed." Lex said, smacking his hands on the table.

Sharon looked down to her nails. "Well, your men failed to do so. Didn't they?" Sharon asked him. "They got defeated by a man who believes he is a bat. Pathetic." Sharon added.

Lex shook his hand. "Something....in the hotel attacked them. Something made out of water." Lex replied to her. "It wasn't my men who were uncapable. It was something else that...changed the plans." Lex informed her.

Sharon smirked at him, knowing that the what that attacked those men was not a what but a who. "Well, let me inform you that I have a very good way of stopping that from happening. It's quite simple really. Something you might be able to build." Sharon said to him.

"Go, on." Lex said to her.

Sharon stood up from her chair. "The collar should stop that thing from attacking your men. I know what could help you. I came prepared to this world for a reason. To end Nayara's life, and that is just the thing I need." Sharon said to him.

She showed him the files with the plans that were developed by SHIELD. "This is collar could prevent the thing from protecting Nayara. Then you and I have the girl. You could use her as leverage and then you give it to me." Sharon explained to him.

"What type of collar is this?" Lex asked her, watching the plans with curiosity.

The blonde leant on the table, a wicked smile on her face. "I'm so glad you asked." Sharon said, smirking at him. "I have the plans with me right here. Take them." Sharon said, handling them to Lex.

Lex smirked back at her before turning to Lady Dread. "You never said why you wanted to find that girl too, Lady Dread. I will recommend changing your name. There is already some other guy named Dread. Maybe in your world you were that, but here you aren't." Lex explained to her. He then handed her an ID. "Now that is for you, alone. We don't want people to look for an alien like you when you have a mission to fulfill." Lex said to her.

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