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My feet are killing me.

Just one more day Thandi, just one more day. I chant in my head after seeing my last patient for the day and heading up to my office to pack up

I don't think I can ever fully express just how much I love Fridays, As much as I love my job and my cute little patients, I also love going home on Friday late afternoon knowing I'm going to sleep in the next day, that is, if I don't get called in to the hospital, of course. But that hasn't happened in a while so I'm making use of this luck before it runs out

I take off my coat and get ready to leave when Musa stops me

"Delivery for Doctor Maduna" he holds up a pair of personalised crocs. They are white and each have cute drawings of a stethoscope and plasters, they also have my initials on them

"You got these for me?" I'm all smiles as I reach for them, they look so cute and my little patients will definitely love them, my feet too because they look comfortable

"No, I got them for my new cat" he rolls his eyes playfully at me and I chuckle

"Thank you, Musa" I take a sit and take off my shoes to try on the crocs and they are a perfect fit "They are comfy too" I smile like a child while playing with my feet

"I got tired of hearing you complain about your sore feet, hopefully they will help" he says "And we get to match" he looks at his own feet and I see he's also wearing white personalised crocs

"We should definetly take a picture" I get up then reach in my pocket for a phone then I stand next to him and snap a picture of our feet "Thanks again Musa, I appreciate it"

"No sweat, you heading home?"

"Yeap, I've got a date with my bed and netflix"

"And I've got a real date" he wiggles his eyebrows

"Whose the lucky lady" I ask leading the way out

"Just someone I met through a friend of a friend, I hit her with the I'm a doctor line and she next thing she was booking an appointment to come consult" He winks and I roll my eyes at how much he's feeling himself right now

"Well, have fun with your pretty patient, doctor" I say

"And have fun with netflix... Try not to take matters into your own hands" he teases me

"Whatever, go get laid" I bid him farewell then I get into my car thinking of what he would say if he knew that I take matters into my own hands every other night, I'm even starting to doubt if I'll ever have a man who makes me reach heights that I reach by myself

I shake off the steamy thoughts and decide to stop by a nearby starbucks shop before driving home, nothing like a fresh cup of cappuccino to celebrate the start of a weekend

"dokotela [Doctor] "a cheerful voice with thick zulu accent greets me from behind the counter

"Molo Sizwe [Hello Sizwe]" I respond in my Xhosa accent and he shoots me a cute smile

"Unjani sis'wam? [how are you, my sister]"

"Ndiphilile, wena unjani? [I'm fine. How are?]

"Nam ng'right, are you getting the usual?"

"Yes please" I take out my card to pay then I move to the side and wait for my order while checking whatsapp statuses, I think about how I haven't seen Melo's status in a while and I can't help but feel like he's blocked me from seeing it, I'll have to ask him about it. I reach at the back of  my neck and massage it while stretching it a bit because it feels stiff then I let out a satisfactory sigh when it starts getting better, My hands always work magic, everywhere

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