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As the months pass, the pressure rises too. I officially live and breathe private practice. Sis B has even had to temporarily stay over at my house so we could have enough time to work on the finishing touches but so far everything is going good

The building is ready, the interior is sorted. We opted for bright and fun colours because it's a practice that caters for children so we wanted something that would appeal to them and make their visit more than bearable

Sis B and I decide to name our new baby, LITTLE ONES CARE.

Besides the consultation room and the meds storage as well as restroos. We alsl have changing rooms for babies, a play room for the older ones and a coffee room for the parents. This is more than just a job for me, I want to cater to all my little patients and not forget their parents who come here all worried. I know too well that children get restless very quick so this playroom should keep them busy while the line moves and their parents can help themselves to warm drinks while they wait too

Looking back, I'm proud of all that I've accomplished. I've done well and now I get to celebrate all my hard work

I decided to get a second assistant too and I let sis B take part in interviewing the candidates. Once we reached an agreement she started to train the new lady then we were good to go

I moved with my existing patients so I'm not worried about the client part of it and I already have my first consultation in the new practice two days from now

When sis B and I are done with our work for the day we both pack to go home. I'm having dinner with Gwen and Khana to celebrate the opening of Little ones. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it but they both insisted that this is worth celebrating

When I get home I find the living room all decorated and pretty. They even got ballons written CONGRATULATIONS. The table is all set and the food is already prepared and set out with the plates and cutlery and there's soft music playing as well

I two gift bags on one side of the room and I smile at the effort Gwen and Khana have put in

"She's home" Gwen says loudly entering thr room with a doctor themed cake

"You even got cake?" I ask feeling a little suprised. When they said we would celebrate I wasn't expecting that they wpuld make a big deal out of it

"What's a celebration without cake?", Gwen sets the cake in the middle of the table and she hugs me "Hello, onwr of little ones" she whispers in my ear

"Hello" I beam

"Congratulations hun, you deserve it" she says when we pull away

"We've got wine too" Khana says joining us with two big bottles of wine, her love for wine is really exceptional

"Congratulations" she also hugs me

"Thank you guyd for this, you're so sweet" I say looking around at everything in the living room

"You're so very welcome, and you know we find any reason to celebrate. This just happens to be the best" Khana says

We sit around the table and serve ourselves then we eat while chatting. And the mood is jusf on a high. I get a message from Asa apologizing for not showing up then she promises me a spa date to make up for her absence today

When we are done eating we move to a more relaxed setting on the couches and I open their gifts. Gwen got me a new coat and it's written little ones and my name at the bottom with our cute stethoscope logo

Khana got me a cute pink personalized fob watch, a set of pens and a personalized coffee mug

"You guys are the sweetest" I say musing over my gifts "Now you just have to increase my client list by having babies, come on now, support black business" I joke and they both laugh

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