32. HUGS

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I feel like crap.

I don't have the energy to get up but because I know I've got work to do I drag myself to the bath tub, which turns out to be a big mistake because once I'm seated in it feeling the hot water gently caress my skin I don't want to get up. I don't want to leave this comfort

I find myself wondering what they are doing, if he's having fun... If he's cheated already but then again, is it cheating if she's his wife?

I groan and bury those thoughts far away, I can't drive myself crazy kike this. They've been gone for days now and if anything wants to happen that it will happen, the situation is beyond my control

I only have consultations today so I put on my pencil skirt and floral tucked in blouse then I complete my look with heels and keep my hair neatly tied

When I make my way down stairs I find my driver already waiting with Given. I'm not planning on coming back to this house today because I don't want to be here when Gundo arrives with Emmé tomorrow morning

"I'll drive myself today, you don't have to come with" I tell the guy holding out my hand for the car keys

"I've been instructed to drive to drivr you to and from work Ma'am"

"And today you have a day off"


"I want to drive alone today, I'm the ine telling you that it's okay so give me the car keys" I try not to snap at him, I know he's only doing his job but right now I don't want company

"Give her the keys, it's okay" Given speaks from behind and the guy turns to him

"But the boss-"

"Technically she's your boss  and she says she wants the keys so don't be stubborn. Do you want to explain to him when he gets back why the Mrs doesn't want you as her driver anymore?" Given asks him and he shakes his head, gives me the keys and walks away

" Thanks"I say to Given playing with the keys

"You're welcome, but you know that means you have to be extra cautious right?"

"I know and I will"

"If you notice anything strange call me" He says and I remain quiet "I mean it Thandi"

"Yes dad" I roll my eyes playfully at him and he laughs

"Please, I'm too fine to be your dad"

"Would you look at that, Given is feeling himself" I joke and he laughs a little louder, I swear I've never seen him this laid back. Especially not with me

"Well, I'll get going now... And I might not be back tonight, just so you don't get worried or think I've been abducted"

"So that's why you got rid of the driver" he has this curious look on his face

"It's not like that. I'll be at my house. I just want to be away when they get back" I say and his look turns from being curious to giving me pity "Don't do that" I whisper "Don't look at me like that"

"Like what?"

"Like you feel sorry for me"

"I do feel sorry for you Thandiwe" it always gets me how he follows his brother's footsteps and calls me by my full name when he's being serious

"Well don't, I hate pity"

"It doesn't make you weak, you know. It just let's you know that there's people who care about you so much that it affects them when you aren't happy"

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