40. A WIFE

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"Are you ready for a fun night?" Musa asks when I join him outside the dance studio

"You know I am, When last did we attend a dance session like this?"

"It's been a long while" he says and leads me inside where other dance couples are already there

Micheal hosts these dance sessions three times a month and when Musa first introduced me to them I attended all sessions, Tuesdays and Thursdays became my best days of the week because I was either doing some salsa, rumba or belly dancing. The art of moving your body sensually, I've always loved it

Micheal gets the welcoming part done then we stand in positions then he starts the music before joining his own partner

I find a way to release all the tension I've been feeling through moving my body and Musa's hands on me make everything more intense. I've danced with him countless times and I've never read anything into just how close we get when dancing and he doesn't seem to mind too

We dance for two hours and it feels like its just been minutes with the amount of fun that I've been having. I need to make a habit of this again, dancing is a huge stress reliever for me and if I could I'd dance the entire night so I'm a little down when we hit 9 p.m and it's time to go

"I wish we could stay longer" I tell Musa while we walk to our cars

"Same here, you up for a night cap? My place"

"Yes" I answer without thinking twice. Thankfully I was able to ditch my driver after making a deal with him. I gave him the night off to celebrate his wife's birthday and we both agreed that Gundo wouldn't hear of this because that might cost him his job "I'll follow behind you" I tell him and we get in our cars to hit the road

The entire drive I'm blasting dance music and imagining myself on the floor again, with the opened sun roof the wind is so refreshing and setting the mood more and more

When we get to Musa's house he keeps the garage door open for me to park besides him then he waits for me to get off and follow him

The last time I was here things ended badly and I was shit scared that Gundo would lose his cool and do the unthinkable

"Are you okay?" he asks bringing ne back to the present

"Yea, just thinking about the last time I was here"

"When your husband wanted to kill me with fists you mean" he punches the air and I roll my eyes at his careless energy "I didn't think you'd be back here, honestly"

"Well, life works according to its own terms, doesn't it?"

"It does. Red or white wine?" he asks standing next to the fridge

"White please"

He grabs two wine glasses and opens the wine and pours for the both of us and we sit on the barstools in his kitchen

"This is just what I needed after a night of dancing" I tell him after taking a sip of the white wine

"I told you a night out would do you some goid, instead of sitting and sulking like an old woman"

"You can't help but take digs at me, can you?" I narrow my eyes at him and he laughs

"Sorry, I'm just so used to messing with you that at times I forget that you're facing serious problems"

"I don't even want to think about that, this is a night of distractions remember?"

"That it is, and I can think of a couple of ways to set your mind straight or distract it from thinking about the chaos in your life" he becomes more serious

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