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"This Khalid guy sounds like a piece of work" Thandi says while getting ready for a shift at the hospital

"He really is, he's too streetwise too so finding him might be a challenge"

"Gwen's favourite thing in the whole wide world" she chuckles "if there's anyone who can find him, it's Gwen"

"I trust she will, but it needs to be quick. The more time he has the more damage he might cause, especially to the pregnant lady"

"You really think he would harm her?"

"Mufunwa, this is the same guy who put a hit on a little girl. The man has no limits"

"Gosh, then it's best you guys find and deal with him" she says with goosebumps forming on her skin

"Did you just order me to kill a man, Mrs. Netshia?" I give her an amused look

"I'm not oblivious to who and what I married and I also know that if he survives then finds out you helped them then our family will be in trouble"

"You're right, but I don't want you to worry. Khalid isn't surviving this one" I reassure her. There's no way Lunga will let him walk

"Have you seen my crocs?" she gets up and looks for them

"Here" I reach for them and give them to her. I've noticed that she only has this pair and wears it all the time which makes me wonder why, it's not like she can't afford a few more pairs

"I should get you a few more pairs, you wear the same ones always"

"These were a gift, so they are special" she smiles while looking down at them and it gets me curious, who got her these crocs

"From a friend?" I can't stop myself from asking and hoping she says it's a lady friend

"Yes, Musa got me a pair matching his own"

"You guys have matching crocs?" I'm not sure how I feel about this

"Yea, it's cute. You should see us walking around the wards in matching crocs, my little patients love them"

"Cute..." I say developing a sudden dislike for these shoes already

"What is it?" she asks and I look up to find her staring at me


"You're really going to lie to me right now?" she asks and my expression goes soft

"Why would Musa buy you matching crocs?" I ask her

"Because he's my friend and has always listened to me complain about sore feet quite often. I think it was a sweet gesture"

"Maybe if it wasn't from a guy whose clearly smitten with you" I've seen this Musa guy a couple of times when I've been at the hospital and he's always around looking at her like she's the best thing to ever happen to him. I haven't brought it up before because I didn't want to come across as an insecure man but now I'm failing to

"What? Musa isn't smitten with me"

"You haven't seen it? The guy is into you and he's even buying you matching crocs"

"He was just being thoughtful, that's all. Musa feels nothing for me, I can assure you" she says adamantly and I start to wonder if perhaps there's history between them

"Has something ever happened between the two of you?"the moment I ask this, Thandi looks away pretending to be fixing her socks
"Thandiwe" I say to get her attention


"Once what?"

"Years ago we had a one time thing... It never happened again"

MRS. NETSHIAWhere stories live. Discover now