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The girls and I part ways late sunday afternoon after making plans to do this again. This time, Khana had offered to be the host. When they are both gone I make sure everything is in order then I let my driver know I'm ready to go home

It's been a great weekend and although I had fun, it's time to get back to the real world now. I need to make sure ny scrubs are ready for Monday morning and that everything else is in order so no matter how much I'm dreading going home early, I know that I have to, plus I miss my husband so maybe we can spare a few hours to spend together before we sleep

We get home and I insist on carrying my own bag inside, I know Gift is not back yet and  Gwen has been scarce too so there's probably three people in the house, if Given is around

I decide to pass by the kitchen for some water but instantly regret it when I find Emmé there. She's humming to a song while leaning against the kitchen island while pressing her phone but the click of my heels gets her to look up

"You're back" She says with a smile

"Mmh" I hum in response heading straight to the fridge

"How was your weekend with your friends?" she asks and I wish she wouldn't try so hard, it's really unnecessary

"It was great"

"I can imagine, I also went out with my best friend"

"That's nice" I say and walk away without sparing her a look

"Wait-" she says and I sigh turning to look at her

"What is it Emmé?" I ask running out of patience

Then I take a good look at her, her hair is tied up in a bun, she's wearing a thin strap top that's thoroughly exposing her neck and shoulders, or rather exposing what she's been dying for me to see


There's no question to where they are coming from or she wouldn't be standing here parading for me to see them. The look in her eyes also confirms it for me and I can tell she's dying to get a reaction out of me, a rise even

"Oh, is that all?" I ask pulling all the invincible strings to keep myself together... I will not lose it in front of her, I won't give her that satisfaction

"What do you mean?"she asks with an innocent tone

"You fucked with your husband, what a milestone, a huge achievement it is and we should totally throw a party to celebrate and you should call daddy he will be so proud" I clap for her "Was that all? Are you done keeping me in this kitchen" I give her a blank stare and she grows a little uncomfortable

Just then Gundo walks in and takes one look at her then he turns to me. He's speechless and is very much aware that the art he left on her body speaks for itself, there's no need for narration. He knows what he did

The three of us stand there quietly, each exchanging a look with each other, if anyone were to walk in right now , they'd think we are partaking in a staring contest

"Well, it's a good thing those promises were never made. Right?" I say looking directly in his eyes and leave the two of them standing there

The click of my heels echoes and resembles the pieces that my heart is breaking into. Tiny, very tiny pieces that can never be repaired. He has ruined me and with each step I take, a piece of my heart falls off

"Thandiwe" He says following behind me but I speed up my pace

When I reach our bedroom I attempt to shut the door behind me but he forces his way in

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