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I've been doing a lot of writing.

And I finally wrote the last piece tonight, completing all my writings. As I set the pen down I feel one of those pains hit me again.

It could be any day now

I put on my slippers and make my way to the kitchen for a late night snack, or early morning seeing that it's 2 in the morning

I switch the light on when I step in the kitchen then I start making my beloved sandwhich then I make some black tea and try to get comfortable on the chair

"Emmé" Gundo says when he walks in, he's in his pajama pants only, he obviously wasn't expecting anyone else to be up at this time "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I just got hungry and I felt a little restless"

"Do you need to see the doctor?"

"No, I'll be okay"

"Are you sure?"

"I'll be fine Gundo. Stop panicking"

He opens the fridge, gets a bottle of water then sits opposite me

"Okay, I'll just sit here until you're done eating"

"You worry too much" I say and he doesn't even try to deny it

"You're due any day now, I just think it's important to take any slight of pain or discomfort seriously"

"We can't run to the doctor each time, it's exhausting" I get up wanting to get more bananas and thats when I hear the popping sound, it's feint but I hear it, almost like a ballon popping then I feel warm liquid make its way down my legs

"Oh my God"

"What is it?" Gundo gets up too

"My water just broke" I try to say it calmly but I'm panicking by the second

"Are you in a lot of pain?" he asks


"Okay, I'll be right back" he says and rushes upstairs

He returns fully dressed. He has my hospital bag on one arm and a clean pair of pajama pants and slippers that I change right there in the middle of the kitchen then he helps me out to the car

I can't believe this is happening already and the fact that I don't feel any strong pain yet makes it a little bit hard to believe that the baby is coming now

Even when we get to the hospital, I'm still walking on my own two feet Gundo fills in the paper work then I'm assigned a room and the nurse comes to check on me and get me comfortable. Gundo sits on a chair next to the bed and I swear he looks more freaked out than I am. He actually looks a little scared

"Are you fine?" I ask him

"I should be asking you that, are you comfortable? Do you need anything?"

"I'm still okay, just a little sleepy so I'm gonna try and sleep a little" I tell him. What I don't say out loud is that I'm shit scared, I'm terrified and have no idea what to expect

"Okay, get some rest" he says and I turn to the side


"Fuck!" I shut my eyes and grimace at the pain that's hitting me while gripping onto the sheets

It's been hours now, the sun is up too and this baby is taking forever to come

"Just a few more hours and this will be over" Gundo holds my hand and I feel like punching his face right now

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