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"You're still sleeping? Have you seen the time?"

"I have, 10 o'clock"

"You should have been up a long time ago, When did you get this lazy?" Aunt Julie scolds me pulling the sheets off me

"Just a couple more hours" I whine and she gives me a disapproving look

"You know how important today is, You need to make sure you leave the best impression. First impressions do matter and you sulking and hiding under your sheets won't help with anything"

"I'm not looking for help, I just need some time alone"

"Time for what? Haven't you had enough time already?"

"No, but ofcourse you wouldn't understand. All of this is normal for you and dad but for me it's not"

She sighs then sits on the bed  "Angel, all your father and I have ever wanted is to make sure you're safe amd taken care of. Sure Jerome can be a bit pushy, he's my brother, I know him and I also know that there's nothing he wouldn't do for you"

"You don't understand" I start tearing up and she raises her eyebrow at me

"You haven't broken up with that boy yet, have you?" She asks and I shake my head "Emmé, We spoke about this. Tonight you'll be having supper with your soon to be husband. You need to break it off with this boy before Jerome finds out"

"I'm meeting with him today but I dont think I can do it auntie. This Gundo guy is already married, why must I be forced to give mine up"

"Because... Your attention will have to be undivided if you're going to get the other woman out of the house, you can't get rid of her if you're still holding on to someone"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on Emmé, a marriage only had space for two people. Three is a crowd and quite frankly I don't believe in this polygamy nonsense. A man will always have his one and only love, the one he would choose to save in a house being consumed by flames and your job is to make sure you become that woman to Gundo. Get in that house, keep your senses in check and get rid of that girl. Cause as much trouble as you can until she's out that door and it's just you and Gundo. Exactly how it should have been from the beginning before she meddled"

"This isn't her fault" I say with so much disbelief, I know how hard hearted my aunt can be but right now it feels like I'm having a conversation with my father. Gundo's wife and Melo are the true victims in all this. Gundo and I knew what we were signing up for and for our own reasons. He wants the power wnd success and I want security, my dad is right. I'm not cut out tonbr his successor and his absence would bring me lots of trouble or even land me in a grave. I agreed to this and so did Gundo

"Nobody cares. This is how life works Angel, you fight for everything you want and you don't fight fair. Do whatever it takes"

"And what about my happiness? Doesn't it matter?"

"You'll get lots of it in your husband's arms, once you secure what's yours. Now get in a shower and go meet this ex boyfriend of yours for the last time" she pats my feet and walks out

I drag myself out of bed and get in the shower. Not even the hot water calm me down when I think about what I'm about to do. How I'm about to break Melo's heart yet again. It's like each time we take a step forward I take us two back

It's a slow shower and when I'm done and all dressed  I make my way out. Christian is already waiting for me and he gets the door for me

I tell him where I'm going and then I sit back and try to relax. I convince him again to stay behind when we arrive then I go in

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