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I sit in the bar in our house looking at my whiskey glass like it'll start talking and give me solutions to this mess that I've gotten us into

My mind keeps replaying to four years ago when I made this deal with Jerome,His daughter had just turned twenty. It's crazy to say I can't even remember what she looks like because I only caught a glimpse of her once and Jerome never brought her to any of our gatherings. She's just about  the only thing that he holds dear to his hear. Her and her aunt, Jerome's little sister

When he first proposed this I didn't think much of it. Getting married was never in my plans anyway and I never took time to ask any woman out. I didn't have the time nor energy to entertain anyone and so I looked at the business side of the deal

Jerome knows how ruthless this world is and he wanted to secure his daughter's safety. He wanted to make sure that no one would come for her if anything ever happens to him and with the life we live, we are more at risk of dying and he knows too well that his death would mean Emmé loses everything so he figured the best way for her to remain taken care of would be to have her married to another mob boss he could trust to continue protecting and taking care of here. I had no problem with that and it would come with great gain on my side because Jerome is a well acquainted man he has contacts everywhere and when he steps in a room everyone takes note. That's what I wanted for myself and even though I didn't need him to make a name for myself, he has come in handy and merging our empires together is a very smart move to make in this organization

In all of this, I never imagined that I'd fall inlove, I always thought I didn't need love, I didn't need to be tied to anyone but I saw Thandi and at that moment, I knew there was no way I was going to let her go. I was raised to fight for what I want and take risks, I'd always deal with the consequences later if it meant I'd have what my heart desires and this is the case with Thandi. I risked it just to have her and now we're in this mess because my selfish self couldn't let her mot be mine, she just had to be mine

"Jerome called, he said you weren't answering his calls"Given says joining me in the room

" What did he say? "

" He's coming to see you, he says he has a solution to all this"

"A solution? He better not be planning anything stupid"

"I doubt it, he knows that you'll fight fire with fire if he comes for Thandi... But I have to ask"


"Would you really kill his girl, I mean just years ago you agreed to marry her"

"If  Jerome touches my wife then I won't hesitate to send him her head in a gift back. Yes I agreed but it was only business driven, nothing more. I never even properly met the girl"

"I see... Have you thought of how you'll approach this incase you don't like what he has to say?"

"We have to come up with another agreement. I could still look out for his daughter if he dies, She will be under my protection and everyone will know about it so they don't try anything stupid. I could run his businesses and contacts as agreed
I'd still honor my part of the deal but without the marriage clause "

"That could work, his first priority is her well-being, if you assure him that nothing changes then maybe he will let this go" Given says and I just nod. Chances are he won't agree to this but it's worth a try, I'm willing to try anything if it means I don't lose my wife. That's not even an option for me

"You can say it, you told me so" I pour Given a drink and he looks at me

"I did, but now isn't the time to play who was right and who wasn't. We need a solid plan to make sure Thandi is safe, you know how dirty Jerome likes to play"

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