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"Gundo" she utters then looks down, I relax on my chair giving her enough time to collect herself and start talking, the couldn't have possibly thought I bought that little act

I don't know how they both figured they could have me fooled and part of me is very irritated with their scheming, it only makes me wonder exactly what it is they are willing to trick me for. What are they hiding from me. Thandi should have known better than to believe I wouldn't see that everything was staged, from thr moment Emmé started being touchy to Thandi conveniently walking in at the right moment

I had the option of staying but I figured I'd come back home with the one other person who probably knows what's going on seeing Thandi won't open up to me. I've noticed the change in her, she's jumpy, quiet and very secretive and right now I intend on getting to the bottom of this mess once and for all, it's gone on for too long now

"I'm waiting" I say to Emmé and she looks up at me, clearly conflicted. If I wasn't trying to get to the bottom of whatever is going on I'd see her loyalty to Thandi as a bit of progress

"I really don't know what you want me to say, You saw what happened" she starts and I feel my patience run thin

"I'm not a fool Emmé, you think I don't know that the two of you planned that"

"We didn't -"

"I thought I told you not to lie to me" I say and she goes quiet "Look, I get that you're trying to help her and thank you for that, but from whatever it is that you know, do you honestly think she will get over it without my help?"

She thinks about it for a while then looks up at me again "No"

"Then tell me what's going on, let me get her out of whatever she's trapped in" I tone down my stern tone, she's close to opening up and I don't want her to change her mind

"I promised I wouldn't say... But you're right, she does need your help or he's going to keep pulling her deeper and deeper into this mess"


"Chase" it comes out as a whisper

"What does Chase have to do with this?" I grow more irritated but I hide it

"He's blackmailing Thandi. Sometimes last year she attended his housewarming. He drugged her and put her on his bed, in a compromising position... Then he took pictures of both of them making it look like... You know... He then falsified more pictures with different doctors from the hospital and he's been threatening to show them to you if she didn't get you out of the house "

"Why did he want me gone?"

"I don't know, she doesn't know either but I can't imagine that it's for a good cause. My best bet is that he wants to alienate her from everyone then gain full control over her, for what, I don't know"

By the time Emmé is done explaining the whole situation for me I'm already seeing red, so I tell her to excuse herself . She doesn't ask questions but she quickly disappears

Everything she just said is playing hard in my head, why the fuck would Thandiwe risk it with Chase rather than come to me to explain the situation. I obviously wouldn't jump to believe those pictures over her, why go through so much trouble to hide this

I load my guns and grab my car keys. If Chase thought he was going to play puppet master with my wife then he really thought wrong

It's already late at night as I figure he's sleeping when I get to his house. Gwen has turned off his alarms and surveillance making it easier for me to enter and do what I came here for without being noticed

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