22. LOVE

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"You're still coming home early today?" Warm arms embrace me from  behind and for the first time in weeks I don't fight them off

"Yes, We have dinner with the Accardis"

"And the others already have plans so it's just going to be the four of us"

"Okay" I answer him while putting on my earrings

Gundo turns me around so I'm facing him, we haven't been this close since the whole mess with Jerome started and I'd be lying if I said I don't miss this, I miss it a lot

"I miss having you this close" he says

"Me too, it's been a while" I put my hands on his arms "This is just a lot to take in and I don't know how to keep up Gundo, it's a lot to deal with"

"I know my love. Yell, scream, shout, throw things at me, do it all but please don't leave me. I'm selfish for asking this of you but I love you Thandiwe,I love you so much"

"We didn't even get to enjoy many months of being married. Now another woman is coming to live with us, How do you want me to accept that?"

"It's not her I love, it's you. I have no doubt in my mind and heart that you're the one I love. You're my wife and I'll always work hard to earn your forgiveness for all of this, I just need you to stay with me my love. I'm begging you"

"I don't know" I shut my eyes and Gundo dips between my neck and shoulder

"I'm incapable of letting you go Thandi. It's the one thing I don't think I can do. I love you so much"

He moves his head and I opem my eyes then he puts his hand under my chin making me look up at him before kissing my lips. I move my hand to his neck deepening the kiss and we both are reluctant to pull away so we keep going until we are breathless

Gundo looks at me with pleading eyes and I know he wishes for me to tell him I won't leave him but I can't bring myself to say it. Deep in my heart I know it'll take a lot more to get me to leave but saying it to him right now is something I can't do. I'm quickly realizing that love is a weakness, someone can hurt you and you still find it hard to leave, just like I am right now

"I need to get to work" I tell him

"Okay, I'll see you when you get back" Hi pecks my lips and I get going

When I get to work I busy myself with work, three of my appointments have been canceled so I have a few hours to spare before I have to get home

I decide to call Melo and check on him and it takes just minutes for me to hear that he's not okay. I thought he'd be over what happened with the cops but he still doesn't sound okay so I tell him I'm on my way so we can get lunch

I find him waiting for me outside the res building and he asks if we can get take aways instead and just eat in the car. I don't protest, we drive through at McDonald's he gets a burger while I choose something light so I feel too full later

I try to speak about that incident and the more we talk about it the more I see it has nothing to do with his mood

"Will you tell me what's bothering you?"

"It's nothing"

"Come on Melokuhle, I can tell when you're not okay"

"So can I" he turns to look at me and I get what he's saying, he can see through me too

"I asked first"

"But you're also not fine, will you tell me what's up?"

"Marital issues" I say and he narrows his eyes at me

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