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I lay on Melo's chest, silently listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat. It's so soothing, it's the perfect sound and makes me feel right at home. I can't even remember how I thought I could really give him up, how on earth did I figure that my life would be better without him when he gives it so much more spark

Melo and I met through some guys I used to chill with at varsity. There was a party and he was invited by one of the younger brothers of the guys I'd chill with. He found me pouring punch and asked that I pour for him too. It was his eyes that drew me in and when he smiled, I just knew I was gone

I ditched my group to sit with him outside and we just talked. We talked and talked and didn't even realise how quick time was passing. Only when Ayesha called to let me know it was time to go did I realize I had just spent 3 hours talking to this guy and it had felt so natural, so much that I wished I could get an extra 3 hours

He asked for my number and put it to good use and the rest is history

"What are you thinking about?" he feintly runs his fingers on my arms and I get even closer to him as possible

"How we first met"

"I think about that day everyday, To think I was lazy to go to that party but my friends wouldn't stop bugging me"

"They must have known something great was coming your way" I say and I hear the rumble on his chest making it vibrate on the side of my face

"They must have really known. If not for them I wouldn't have found you and we wouldn't be here right now"

"Do you ever think of how it would be right now if we never crossed paths?" I ask him

"Baby, I can't even remember what it was like before I met you"He kisses the top of my head

"I love you Melo" I look up and my eyes find his

"I love you, Beautiful" He says and his eyes drop to my lips, I flick my tongue on my bottom lip and bite it wanting to feel his against mine and the feeling is definitely mutual because he cups my face with his hand and leans closer then gently starts kissing me

We are both naked under the sheets and I haven't dared to look at the mess I may have made on his sheets. He also doesn't seem too bothered about it

His hand goes to my ass and he rests it there and grinds his hard on against my belly. The kiss grows tense as he gets harder and I feel myself start pulsating with need, the need to feel him inside me again so I press against him more not knowing how to use my words without feeling embarrassed

"Tell me if you can't go again, I'll understand" he says looking at me

"I want to"

"But can you?" he asks again with concern and I nod

"Yes, just not too hard" I tell him

"Okay" He says before putting me at the center of his bed. I'm still wet from moments ago and I still feel a bit of pressure when he pushes inside me making me squint my eyes

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, don't stop"

I start to relax and he starts moving, it's slow and sensual and I can feel all of him, I don't think I'll ever get used to this feeling. I wrap my legs around his waist and I feel his hands all over my body and when I'm close I tighten my legs around him and emhe starts going harder too and we come at the same time

"Now I can never get enough of you" I say shyly and he chuckles

"I'd never want you too" he says and we lay for a few more minutes before I have to leave and he has to get ready for class

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