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"They are not so bad once you get to know them, my love"

"I don't know Gundo, We didn't exactly click on the first day we met"

"Circumstances were different then, things have changed" I hear the pleading in his tone and it only drains me more

We've been dancing on the topic of me meeting his siblings again for a while now and each time he's brought it up I brush it off. As a result he's the one that has to keep coming to my house for sleepovers because I've been avoiding having to go back to that house again, this is a case of "first impressions" and the Netshia siblings sure did show off

"It does not change the fact that Given deceived me, Gift threatened Melo and Gwen... Well Gwen wasn't that bad except for the fact that she openly planned to go kill a man... Even though I know she was doing it because of what he did to you first"

"I've spoken to them about it and they would like a chance to redeem themselves, please Mufunwa wanga a ne nda mufunesa [my love that I love so much]" he switches to his mother tongue, this sly bastard knows it always gets me to smile

"Why can't we just wait a bit" I try pulling away from his arms but he refuses to let me go

"Because I was hoping that you guys could mend things before we go home for my grandmother's 90th birthday"

"Oh, you guys are going to Venda? When?"

"We are, first week of April"

"We can try to mend things when you guys return"

"But we are going together"


"You included" he states

"What? Are you serious?" this time I really pull away and look at him

"I am, I'd like you to meet the women who raised me"

"Wow, I'm flattered... I mean... Wow" I mumble and he chuckles at my reaction

"Don't sound so surprised, I've told you I'm not here to play games, I've told you my intentions" he reminds me and I remember the one time we were laying in bed after one of our steamy love making sessions and he told me how he wants to keep me on his life and later when he thought I had fallen into deep sleep he whispered the he loves me. I didn't respond though, instead I pretended to really be in deep sleep and eventually he fell asleep too

It's not that I don't feel anything for Gundo, if anything this has been an amazing three months of my life but that's the problem. Nothing good ever lasts, it always ends badly and if I admit my feelings for him I'll only be digging a hole for myself. Maybe I have abandonment issues that stem from what my father did after my mom's passing but that has taught me to always be cautious, people won't always be here to stay, whose to say if Gundo is really here to stay, what if one day he gets tired of me and decides to leave too

"What are you thinking about?" he cuts my thoughts short

"Nothing... Are you sure you want me to meet your mother and grandmother? What if I'm not what they expected?"

"Why should they even have expectations when I'm the one who wants to be with you?"

"They are you elders and they raised you" I shrug

"And they understand that I'm a grown man, if anything, they will rejoice that I'm finally bringing a woman home than showing up alone always, don't overthink it" He pulls me back to his arms

I intertwine our fingers and get comfortable on his chest, I know at some point I'll have to face the issue of his siblings and if I'm really going to join them on their trip home I'd rather we all be on good terms

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