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It's a silent ride to the venue and it has me wishing Gwen had chosen to ride with us. Gundo has his arm around me the whole time as we ride in the back seat and as much as I'd like to pick his brain and know exactly what's going on in there I know I'm going to need better timing. I don't buy this whole 'It's your first event' I know there's more to this and my gut tells me it's not good at all

I rest my head on his shoulder and try to relax. Maybe I'm just overthinking things. Gundo is right, I've never been surrounded by mob bosses and it might be a lot to take in but I do take comfort in knowing that I've got him and the others. I know I can rely on Gwen and Gift, Given too even though my relationship with him is close to being non existent. For some reason he doesn't approve of my marriage with Gundo, he's never said it but the way  he avoids me but I've learned to just stay out of his way too. Not in a nasty way but everyone has their limits and if he's not going to let me know what his issue is with me then I'm not going to force the relationship

"We're here" Gundo nudges me a bit and I sit up straight "Are you okay?" he asks

"mmm" I hum in response


"Gundo No, You won't communicate with me, I know something is up but I also know now isn't the time. But when this night is over you and I are going to go home and you're going to tell me exactly what's going on" I demand making sure my tone is firm and he clenches his jaw looking away from me

I wait for his response and he's quite aware that I won't get out of this car until he agrees to what I'm saying so he faces me again "Okay, let's get through this night and I'll tell you everything"

The way he says this makes my heart skip a beat, what does everything mean? What exactly is he keeping from me "Gundo-"

"My love, lets get through the night and I promise you, everything that I should have told you  everything that you deserve to know. I'll tell you when we get home" he holds my gaze  and brushes my wedding ring with his thumb and I nod

The driver opens the door for me and Gundo gets off too, he comes around the car. He reaches for my hand and holds on to it firmly "You stay with me the entire time. If we do get separated, try to stay with Gwen or even the twins. If anyone gets too close, you tell them you're with me, they'll know to walk away"

"You speak like we're entering a deadly zone" I look up at him

"We are dining with Mob bosses, some of them don't do well with boundaries and might try to start something"

"What will you do to them if they try?"

"Send them home limping" He says casually and we join Gwen and the twins

"Reservation for Gundo Netshia" Gundo says to the hostess at the door and she checks on her list then nods

"You're welcome. Alex will show you to your seats" she gestures at the guy standing next to her

Gundo and I walk in first with the others following behind us, at first everyone is minding their own business but we seem to catch a few eyes as we walk to our table

The hall is quite big and there's round tables with classy decorations and expensive looking center pieces, there's a huge chandelier hanging in the center of the room. The lights are a bit dimmed by its still possible to see everyone

The men and women are all in expensive and elegant wear and you can tell by how they carry themselves that they consider themselves to be people's of high status. Well where money and power is concerned, they are people of high status

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