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After being couped up in my bedroom almost all of Saturday I decide to step out on Sunday morning. In all honesty, I've just been hiding from everything but I remembered that this is my life now, so I'd better get used to it

I go downstairs for breakfast, things are different here. Back at my house, my dad and I always had a formal sitting for meals meanwhile here it isn't really a thing. It does happen from time to time but only if everyone can manage to be together at once, which so far I've noticed to be highly unlikely

I walk straight to the kitchen already imagining a fresh cup of coffee and I stop in my tracks when I see Gundo and Thandi seated by the island. They are closely together and Gundo is laughing at something Thandi just said then he stops to kiss her

"Good morning" I say breaking up their kiss and they both turn to look at me

"Good morning" Gundo says and Thandi just looks down at her coffee mug

I notice her bandaged foot and wonder what happened to it, but ofcourse, I know better than to ask

"There's some coffee is you want" she says pointing at the pot of coffee

"Thank you" I move around them to make myself a cup, doing it slowly so because I'm not sure what I'm going to do from here, do I go back to my room, do I sit and have breakfast with them... This is nerve wrecking

"You'll take the day off tomorrow?" Gundo asks Thandi

"No, I'll be okay"

"You're injured baby, surely they will understand"

"It's not that bad, plus I'll have comfortable shoes on" she tries to convince him

"Atleast give it an extra day. You know you'll be standing the entire day, I don't want you straining yourself" he persists and even though I've got my back against them, I hear the concern in his tone

"You worry too mucb" she chuckles "I'll be fine and if I'm not then I'll come home early"

"That sounds better" He says and I turn around, They are looking at each other like none of them sees anything else except the other. It's so intriguing, to be able to see the love flowing through them so naturally, It makes me think if times Melo would look at me like that, Like I'm the only girl in the world or the only interesting thing in his eyes... It always made me blush and he loved it

I clear my head off Melo when I see thag I'm headed to a dark and sad place then I join the two love birds on the island

"What happened to your foot?" I decide to ask trying to break the ice and she looks at Gundo before answering me

"It was just a minor accident"

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. I hope you heal soon"

"Thanks...and I will" She says before taking a sip of her coffee and I nod then reach for the toasted bread then I start to butter it

"I think I forgot my phone upstairs and I need to call Melo" Thandi says

"I'll go get it for you" Gundo starts to stand but she puts her hand in his arm stopping him

"I can walk you know" she smiles at him and shakes her head "I'll go get it, plus I need the practice if I'll be going to work tomorrow"

"I'm still not sure about this work thing" He says more seriously and she catches this too because her expression turns to concern

"Everything will be fine... Don't worry" she assures him and I get the feeling that they are talking about something else except her foot

"So, any plans for the day?" Gundo asks me

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