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I wake up before Melo does and quietly get off the bed so I can get out of here before anyone can see me leave his room

I slept with him last night and I say I regret it I'll be lying. I don't regret being with him again but I do see how this can put him in a dangerous position. I put on my pajamas as I'm putting on my gown he wakes up

"Leaving already"

"I have to... Before anyone else wakes up"

"You mean before your husband wakes up"

"Melo... Don't be like that"

"Be like what? It's just facts isn't it? You came here last night looking for pleasure. You got it and now you go back to being a married woman"

"That wasn't all that last night was about. You know that"

"You know what digs me the most?" he asks


"The fact that it had to be someone I know. My brother inlaw"

"I never would have thought things will end up like this, I had no idea he was married to your sister"

"Would it have changed anything?" he asks and I shake my head "I still love you Emmé"

"It's complicated Melo"

"What if we worked around it? Nobody would have to know"

"I can't do that to you"

"I'm not walking into this blindly, I know exactly what I'm doing and if it means I get to be with you again then so be it. Gundo loves my sister, you know this. Why can't you also be with someone you love?"

"I'd have to keep you a secret"

"I don't care Emmé, Nobody has to know except us"

I stand there and I'm very tempted to say yes. I could have Melo in my life again, we would be discreet, nobody would know except us. I look at him looking at me and I feel myself agree to this

"Okay, we can do that" I say and I walk closer to him to peck his lips "Let's talk aftet breakfast, I really have to go now"

"Okay, I love you"

"I love you" I peck his lips again and walk out


Christmas morning...

I'm up very early in the morning. I first send my friends a merry Christmas messages then I call aunt Noma. We don't talk a lot but Christmas is an exception. She tells me she's been up baking for my cousins who also arrived home last night, she raves about her son's new car and her daughter's latest engagement. She's a happy mom and it's refreshing to speak to someone whose this happy

Asanda also went home and she texts back complaining that her grandmother made her get up very early to sweep the yard. Khana just respomded with a sweet message of her own. I'm guessing our mornings are almost the same

I make the bed and go to take a shower then I put on a dress and sandals and I tie my hair back then I step out of my room. I wonder if Melo is still sleeping so I decide to pass by his room and knock, if he doesn't respond I'll let him rest

I walk to his room and just as I'm about to knock the door opens. My eyes go wide with disbelief at the horror I'm seeing

"What, oh my God "

Emmé's eyes go wide too and she opens her mouth to say something but the words don't make it out

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask her taking a step forward which forces her to take a step back until we're both in the room then I shut the door

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