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Sleep distances itself from me for the rest of the night. I'm too spooked to move or even sleep, for all I know these people will come kill me in my sleel... But maybe that wouldn't be so bad because I probably wouldn't feel anything or be aware of what's happening

Stop it Thandi, if they wanted you dead you'd be dead by now. I scold myself for having such scary thoughts. I should be more focused on making it out of here so I can see Melo again, I wonder if he's tried calling me

I toss and turn until I finally decide to get off the bed. I have absolutely nothing to do, I don't even even know what time it is but the brightness of the sun tells me it's probably eight or nine in the morning. I walk to the sliding door that leads to the balcony, this is actually a fancy room. Not a room I'd expert to be kept in by these people but I'm greatful I'm not locked somewhere in a dungeon

I look down at the railing and consider how safe it would be to jump. I'd definitely sprain something or even end up with a twisted ankle which would make it hard to run and then these guards would shoot me. No, I can't do that

I sigh out of frustration then walk back into the beige themed bedroom. I've already seen the bathroom so I decide to see the walk in closet, just as expected, besides the shelves and other furniture it's empty. No clothes or shoes, it must be a guest bedroom or a room they usually keep their captives

I walk around aimlessly in the room and my eyes constantly land on the door handle. After my failed attempt to get out of here yesterday, I feel scared to even get near the door but now that I've calmed down a little, I'm starting to feel hungry and last night's supper is just too cold

I start to wonder why they haven't come to take me to see the patient in the house, I mean he's the reason I'm supposedly here but I haven't seen him in many hours now and I know he must be awake by now. If my purpose isn't to monitor him then why the hell are they still keeping me here. It's clearly not for his wellbeing so I'll take it that it's for their selfish reasons

I pace around the room for a couple more minutes then I lay on the bed again and try to think positively. If they wanted me dead, they wouldn't have kept me alive for so long. I just need to hold on a little longer, just a little bit until I hear Melo's voice then I'll be okay

I hear the door handle twist and I immediately sit up on the bed. A lady that I'm assuming to be the house help because of the uniform she's wearing walks in and she first scans the room then looks at me

"Good morning, Miss" she says with a smile

"Morning" I look at her friendly face, the friendliest face I've seen in a while

"You're requested to join the rest of the family for breakfast downstairs in the dining room"

"Can't I have it up here?" I try pleading with her, I don't think I can stand being in the same room with all those men again, the thought of it instantly kills my appetite but I know I need to eat

"You can't" She says then gives me a look of pity "I'm sorry, I'm just following orders and if you don't come down with me, you might end up not eating for the rest of the day"

"Okay, I'll just put on my shoes" I reach for my crocs then follow her put the room

I can't fathom the reason why they want me to have breakfast with them, haven't they tormented me enough, I've done nothing but be helpful to them and the least they could do is show a bit of gratitude but instead they want to reach for my sanity as well

I'm still cussing them out in my head when we enter the dining room and instead of the group of men that were surrounding me yesterday there's two men and a woman. The one brother who made an empty promise, the other brother who threatened me  and a woman who looks a bit identical but way too feminine

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