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"Good Lord! You might as well move in seeing you're always here" I stare at the devil infront of me and just as I'm not happy to see him, he also looks annoyed by my presence

"I'm not here for you but seeing you're here already, we might as well talk"

"I have nothing to say to you, Jerome"

"Are you sure?" he narrows his eyes at  me "You really don't want to start something with me Thandi. It won't end well for you"

"So you're here to scare me into giving into your demands. It's still not happening"

"You think you know how this works don't you? Listen here sweetheart, Gundo can only protect you to a certain point and I can contain myself to a certain extent too. You're a barrier right now and I'm quickly losing my patience with you so why don't you do yourself a favour and drop this before things get heated for you "

" She's never marrying my husband, get it through your thick skull "

" At the end its Gundo's decision, your resistance holds no water, he will do it"

"If he wants to deal with bigamy charges then yes. Gundo and I are legally married and if I don't approve of a second wife then there won't be a second wife"

"You're quite confident that you can stop this from happening, aren't you?"

I look at this scary man making threats and I see how much he resents me. He wants me to cower but I won't, I refuse to let him feed off my fear so I put on my brave face and smile "Jerome"


"Go fuck yourself and while you're at it find another man to sell your daughter to, for someone who claims to love his daughter you should be ashamed of yourself. It's disgusting and pimp like" I don't spare him a second thought before making my way out to work

I'm scared of Jerome but I'll never let him see it, he's the kind of man who takes advantage of people's fears and unfortunately for him, I'm quite good at masking my fear with a bitch face

When I get to work I can hardly concentrate. Everything is a mess, my life is a mess, my marriage is going straight to the ruins and I don't know how I'm going to rise from this, the fact that Gundo is considering bringing this girl into our lives irks me off even more. How could he think that I'd agree to this. First he gets me into this mess then he wants to make things worse by marrying her, I'll be damned

I try hard to get my mind in order to avoid making mistakes and Gundo tries calling a few times but I ignore his calls. I'm not in the mood to talk to him, we should be enjoying our marriage right now but instead we are dealing with his secrets and a crazy mob boss whose so obsessed with him. When they say life is unpredictable, this is exactly what they mean. One minute we were happy and now I can hardly look at him

At lunch I go up to my office because the ward isn't so busy. Musa brings sandwiches and juice from the canteen for Sis B and I too but she doesn't sit with us

"You look exhaused" He comments taking a bite into his sandwich

"I haven't been getting proper sleep"

"No please, I'm not trying to hear about your bedroom shenanigans with your husband" He says and I roll my eyes at him fighting a smile

"Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about"

"But I got you to smile" he says and I just focus on my chicken mayo sandwich "You know I'm here if you want to talk right? I might not always know what to say but I'm a good listener" He says a lot more seriously this time and I feel myself get emotional but I don't give in

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