14. FEEL

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Tonight I'll be attending my first ever mafia event and nervous doesn't even begin to explain how I feel.

I can't even believe that I'll be mingling in a room full of mob bosses, this is the ultimate danger zone and I'll be all dressed up and walking around like it's a normal setting. If I've ever needed a rude awakening to fully acknowledge the fact that my husband is a mob boss, this might as well be it, dining in a room full of organized crime bosses

"What normally happens at these events?" I ask Gwen as we get our nails done at one of the best nails spots picked by her

"We eat, drink and be merry" she grins making me stare at her "I don't know how else to explain it. It's like a normal gala or ball. We discuss business, strengthen allies, this is our safe place to kick back and just enjoy being who and what we are without judgement or handcuffs " she chuckles

"Safe you say"I mumble and she laughs

" I mean if we all have means to protect ourselves from each other then it's safe right? "

" So nothing crazy goes on. Like having nude women there, guns and drugs and all these notorious things"

"Oh honey there's a place for that, Club infinito has a gentlemen's club too and it goes down in there for real" She says with a bit of excitement

"I'm nervous Gwen... And Gundo has been on edge about this so I'm starting to wonder if it's a good thing to have me attend"

"Has he expressed why he's on edge?" she asks

"Whenever I ask he always brushes it off, I don't know..."

"Maybe it's the pressure of having to announce you as his wife"

"Is it a big deal though? I mean are these people really significant so much that I have to be announced to them?"

Gwen looks at the ladies doing our nails then she looks back at me "Every company with associates is somewhat like a family... So when one of the bosses gets married it's important that he lets his other partners know that there's been a shift in his home hierachy... And that she's off limits" she explains and I get that she's avoiding saying it straight because we have an audience

"So you think he does want me there?"

"Ofcourse he does. You're his wife and he loves you. There's no way he wouldn't want you next to him"

"I don't know Gwen..."

"Trust me, Just talk to him about it if you're unsure but I can assure you, Gundo loves you so much... So much that he's willing to risk it all" she says the last part lowly and I can tell tell that she's thinking about something but I know she's not the person I need to go to for answers, I need to talk to Gundo

"Enough about the heavy stuff, who are you bringing?" I ask and she snorts

"I wish I even had that option, I have no one"

"No one at all? Not even a friend?"

"Have you seen how men react around me? When they see me they look the other way"

"Lesley doesn't" I say getting her to look at me "Oh come on, I've seen how he always steals glances at you when he thinks no one is watching "

She click her tongue "That's all he's good for, acting like a creep behind the shadows but never man enough to speak up" I hear and see the annoyance all over her

"Mara Gwen, the poor guy is probably scared you'll reject him. You're more like his boss"

"He's employed by Gundo not me, which makes Gundo his boss. I don't know what else to do to get him to speak up, I mean Thandi look at me, I'm flames. I'm sexy, confident and smart and I know what I want, isn't that what men look for in a woman?"

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