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The mood is somber when I walk in the building in the morning. Almost like a dark cloud stopped by and decided to remain there. Looking at the people around me, I start feeling nervous. A couple of female staff are in tears and there's small groups of people who all have shock plastered on their faces and I listen to their conversations as I pass them

"He was so young, nobody deserves to die like this"

My heart skips a bit

"With such a promising future" another nurse says in between sobs

Oh lord... Please don't let it be

"I can't believe he's gone, just like that. Life is so cruel"

"I know right, and the way he was brutally murdered, some people are heartless monsters"

"Who would want to hurt such a good guy. He was such an amazing gentleman, who would want to cause him so much pain"

"Maybe it was a house robbery"

"No, they say he was shot multiple times, it was definitely personal"

"I wonder if he was involved in some kind of shady business, you never know with people these days"

"Yho hai! I'm shocked. May his handsome soul rest in peace shame"

I feel my own tears start to form so I quickly make my way up the elevator wanting to get away fast

Luckily I'm alone in the elevator, I take out my phone and try calling Musa and it goes straight to voicemail. Panic and dread fill me and I  zone out

"Doctor Netshia... Doctor Netshia?" One of the cleaners calls out to me and I realise she's holding the lift for me to get out

"Oh, sorry... I didn't see you there"

"You've heard too?" she asks and I only manage to nod "What a shame" she says with a frown "We were never close but the death of someone always hits hard"

I tear up again "I'm sorry... I need to go" don't wait for her response

I try Musa's phone again and it's still on voicemail. I make my way to my office and Sis B is already there, she looks a lot calm for what's happening this morning

"Doc" She greets me and I open my mouth to greet her but the only thing that comes out is a loud sob "Oh my, you poor thing. Come" she quickly reaches for me and leads me to my chair

At this point I've lost all self control and I'm sobbing uncontrollably, I'm mourning a friend and I'm drowning from guilt. It's my fault

Sis B boils some water for me and adds sugar to calm me down and after a few sips I force myself to calm down

"I'm very sorry dearie" she rubs my back as she sits on the edge of my table

"It's okay... I shouldn't be breaking down like this in the workplace"

" It's understandable, I didn't think you guys were that close already" Sis B says


"I mean Chase, I didn't think you guys had become close friends seeing he was still a bit new"

"Chase?" I ask again and she looks a bit confused

"Yes honey. He did look like a nice giy though, it's just a pity his journey was cut shot"

When I connect the dots I realize it's Chase whose dead, not Musa. It's that demon and not my friend. I look at a concerned sis B and now I have no idea how to act, I can't just snap out of this without appearing to be crazy or heartless but the relief that I feel right now is incredible. Honestly I'd rather it be Chase than anyone else

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