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"Whuu Doc, this admirer of yours is on a roll. It's the big baby isn't it?" Beatrice peeps through my office door with pink and white roses on her hands

"I don't know, let's find out" I say excitedly and she walks closer to give me the roses and the card

I reach for the card and open it and it reads" I tried finding something that matches your beauty but couldn't so I went ahead and got these pretty flowers to brighten up your office. Enjoy your day. G"

So this is how my mornings have been since the evening of out first date two weeks ago. If it's not sweet good morning texts and morning coffee delivered, or lunch or flowers and the calls on between, he's also popped by the hospital a few times to see me for a few minutes before driving off, it's like he's made it his mission to make sure that he's the only thing on my mind all day, I'm not complaining though. This is so sweet and lately I'm always showing off my teeth in a wide smile because of him. I've missed the feeling of new romance and I know better than to believe it'll be like this forever so I'm holding onto these cute moments

"It's him" I look at sis B whose waiting eagerly and she squills with excitement, almost as if the gift is for her

"Someone's got it hard for you, this is so beautiful to watch" she looks like she's about to melt right there on my floor

" What's beautiful to watch? "Musa comes from behind her and when he sees the flowers his eyes go wide with excitement too

" And? Whose this? "

" Someone, you don't know him"I answer still looking at my flowers then I send him a quick text thanking him

"And she's blushing too? Okay now you need to fill me in, whose this guy?"

He grabs a chair and Beatrice follows suit. Let the office gossip begin "His name is Gundo" I start and tell them the altered version of how we met, by the time I'm done Beatrice is swooning over him like crazy

"I'll have to meet him to check if he's legit you know" Musa tries to act all big brother like but I see he's trying hard not to smile

"No way, I'm not a child"

"You also haven't gone out with anyone in ages, I just want to be sure you're in safe hands"

"Says the poorest judge of character, need I remind you of your latest flop?" I eye him and he scowls making me chuckle

"Please don't take me back there, I'm still trying to recover from that trauma"

"You should see him Doctor Musa, the man is just breathtaking, he was here looking all serious and handsome and the way he uses his eyes, oh my goodness. That's one gentleman I tell you" Beatrice says

"Beatrice you should see your face right now" Musa teases her and she blushes but still dismisses him with her hand

"What can I say, I'm a hopeless romantic and it makes me so happy to see you this happy, doc. Now I'd love to continue this but the front desk needs me" She looks at me and gets up to excuse herself leaving Musa and I

"So, Gundo huh?" he starts and I blush at the mention of Gundo's name, Gosh I'm ridiculous

"I'm happy" I tell him honestly. It's the little things he does that get me to smile, he's gentle, soft spoken but very upfront. Which then makes me wonder why he hasn't made a move yet. The man has gotten me to smile in every way but he hasn't tried to get too close. Two weeks later and we've never kissed, we've hugged but that's just about it. I'm in no rush but obviously I'm tempted, however I don't see myself making the first move. He's the brave one here and I'm just trying to be

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