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"Gundo Netshia, Mr. Smooth operator. Mr. Not on my watch, Mr. I make things happen" Gwen teases me cheerfully when she walks in my study and I give her a puzzled look

"What are you on about now?"

"Oh come on bro, you're really going to act like you don't know?"

"I don't know what?"

"One minute Thandi has trouble securing a building for her practice bada bing bada boom, the building is delivered to her lap, just like that"

I can't help but smile at those words, atleast that guy kept to his promise

"I was just lending a silent helping hand, don't go telling her it was me"

"Oh I won't, but I'm curious though, why don't you want her to know?"

"I don't want her to think I'm warming myself back into her life again, I want her to have her moment, free of me, she deserves it"

"And you'll be behind the scenes playing fairy God mother... Or rather god daddy. Hmm some women are lucky" she claps her hands

"Shut up" I try to fight off a smile but I find myself wanting to hear more about Thandi "Was she happy?" I ask Gwen

"She was over the moon, she's now all excited again about opening her practice and she has these awesome ideas, She's really happy bro"

"That's good, that's very good" I imagine the smile she must have had on her face and it only makes me want to keep it that way

I've been following her journey to opening this practice, every person she's come into contact with has had a background check done on them and luckily they all came up clean. I've been trying to help where I can and I've had Marvin reporting on how she is from time to time. When he told me was upset from being dropped by the building guy I knew I had to step in and do something so I convinced the guy to sell it to her. I got him to drop the selling price when discussing it with her and take whatever she's willing to give and I'll top the difference

If Thandiwe wants that building, she's definitely getting it.

"So is this how it's going to be? You being there for her behind the shadows?" Gwen asks more seriously this time and I feel myself tense up

"What else can I do Gwen? Be upfront and risk her shutting me out?"

"Maybe she won't"

"You know she will, with Emmé and the baby, things just went from bad to worse and I'm trying to handle things very calmly with the both of them"

"Speaking of the baby, how it going?"

"Everything is still fine so far"

"And Emmé? Are you guys getting along?"

"Suprisingly we are, after our honest chat it's like things got better. Well except her constant mood changes we are very civil with each other with no extra expectations"

"That's good, I still can't believe you're going to be a father" She says and has me smiling again

I also never imagined I'd become a father anytime soon, especially with the circumstances surrounding everyone involved but overlooking all of that, I can't wait to hold my son on my arms, that's a day I look forward too each and every passing day

"If it had to be anyone of us then it's better being me or Given, don't you think?" I joke with her and she laughs

"Hell yeah, Gift and I aren't built for such responsibilities. I wouldn't know whether to feed it or cry with it, Lord no" She cringes at the thought making me chuckle

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