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"Oh my gosh! I want this one"

"That's a little more expensive ma'am"

"How much more expensive?"

"R2000 more than the one I just showed you"

"It's worth it, I'll take it" I happily say to the shop assistant and she gives a curt nod before going in the store room to take a handbag that's still packaged

"You went with this one? Oh my it's so cute" Amelia swoons over the handbag I just chose

"I know right, It's so gorgeous"

"So is the price" Her eyes go wide at the pricetag

"Luckily I've got this" I flash the black card my dad gave me earlier

"You're so lucky, mine is strict with my spending"

"It's perks of being an only child, I can get almost whatever I want from him" I say not to boast but it's the truth

My dad has always spoiled me, whatever I wanted I just had to tell him and he'd get it done. At first I thought it's because he's trying to cover the fact that he's the only parent in my life but I later realized that it's simply the fact that he can hardly say no to me... Well for almost everything

Ayesha and I browse around the store a little longer picking up more items then we head to the till point "I'll take those, Miss" my bodyguard, Christian takes the shopping bags from the lady that was assisting us and we walk out

Christian walks infront of us with the shopping bags and we follow closely behind

"He even makes carrying shopping bags look sexy" Ayesha says drooling over a serious looking Christian

"Ayesha stop, he can hear you"

"That's the point, how else am I going to get him to notice me" she speaks even louder

"If he hasn't noticed you by now then maybe he's just not into you, now stop  making my bodyguard uncomfortable"

"You're really going to pretend that you haven't seen how hot this guy is, come on Emmé, you spend a lot of time with him"

"He's okay"

"He's what?are you serious right now" she exclaims and I just sigh"Oh I see, it's because you've got that boy toy "

" Shh, he's not a boy toy and don't talk so loudly about him, you know Christian reports everything to my father "

" You're still kepping it a secret? "

" There's nothing to be kept a secret anymore "I frown and Ayesha stops me in my tracks

" Christian, you can go put the bags in the car. Emmé and I are going to have lunch here"she points at a restaurant

"I'm not supposed to leave your side" he says to me

"You can't stand with all these bags, plus we're in a mall. I'll be okay" I say and he glances at the bags

"I'm only going to put the bags away then I'll be right back"

"Okay" I say and Ayesha pulls me to the restaurant and quickly gets us a table

"Quick before your bodyguard gets back. What do you mean there's nothing left to hide?"

"I broke up with him"

"What? Why? You love your boy toy" 

"He's it a boy toy Ayesha, yes he's four years younger than me but I love him regardless. He cares for me, listens to me and loves me in a way that makes me feel like I'm the only woman in the world"

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