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The house is quiet.

With Gift in Venda, Given is out doing whatever and so is Gwen. Emmé also went clubbing with her friend and and Thandi was the first to leave this evening

When I called I hadn't planned on taking up most of her time but we got carried away and now I'm here wishing I could go over there right in this moment, the only thing holding me back is knowing she deserves some time off this household and the baggage it comes with

I get dressed again and head down stairs to find something to eat. It's a little after 10 o'clock so I'm a little late for supper but I still find some food to warm up. I dish up and put it in the microwave and when it dings I take out the plate, settle down and start eating

When I'm done I clean up and just as I'm about to walk back to my room a drunk Emmé stumbles in with Dean helping her keep balance

"She went a little over board" he says looking at her

"I'll take her" I put my arm around her waist and she almost falls, just how drunk is she

"I'll just..." He point at the door and I nod

"Long night?" I turn to ask Emmé

"Very long, I haven't drank that much in months but the drinks... They just kept coming and coming"

"oh, they were buying themselves" I ask and she laughs

"Of course not silly. I was- oh gosh I'm tired"

I pick her up in my arms figuring that it'll be easier and quicker to get her up to her room

When we get in I set her on her feet again and she holds on to me

"Thank you" she whispers clearly out of it

"You're welcome, you should get to bed" I start pulling away

"Wait... Aren't you going to help me?" her legs are unstable with the heels she's wearing and she's about to fall again so I quickly reach for her and sit her on the edge of the bed

"You don't need help, you're already on the bed"

"The shoes-" she points at her feet and I lean down to untie them and take them off but when I stand she stands with me, using me as her source of balance

"Why don't you want me Gundo?" she asks looking at me

"Emmé, you know that the nature of our marriage isn't like a normal one"

"Why can't it be? You don't have to hopelessly fall in love with me but you won't even touch me? Let alone look at me"

"I do look at you"

"No you don't, you glance at me then look the other way... Why won't you notice me" she sulks

"You're drunk" I try pulling away but she holds on

"More of a reason to listen to me, they say people are the most honest when they are drunk right?"

"You don't know what you're saying, it's the alcohol in your system. What about that guy you're inlove with? Don't you think of him?"

"He made it clear that we were done... And besides, being with him would endanger his life, my dad already... He already did the most" she says sadly

"I can't do this with you" I tell her

"Why not? I'm your wife too aren't I? Close to a month of being married and my husband has never touched me... This is the closest we've ever been and even then you're pulling away..."

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