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Gundo's driver takes us to the location of the private jet very early in the morning. We will be gone for three days and regardless of how strange it'll be to be on a trip with a man I don't know, I'm excited to be visiting Mozambique. Traveling is something I've always loved and when I'm away from home I always make it a point that I explore as much as I can so I'm hoping Gundo won't mind

The drive is silent. He spends most of his time on the phone and the only words he's uttered to me since we saw each other this morning were to ask if I'm okay and that was it, nothing more. Right now he's being a true reflection of Given, hardly says anything and keeps his eyes glued to his phone as though there's no one else sitting next to him

"Will you fill me in on this guy we are going to see? My dad has always kept me far from the mafia business so I don't really know whose who" I try to break the ice even though I know exactly who we are meeting, this for me is the only way I can get Gundo to talk to me

"Antonio Santos, recently took over from his dad, they mainly deal with minerals such as Gold. Jerome has been working with him to get his own merchandise though to the buyers in Mozambique and he's been their South African contact"

"And now you're the main contact"

"Yes, it came with the deal"

"Tell me about his wife, I'd like to know who I'll be spending most of the time with while you two talk business"

"I don't know much about her except for the fact that her name is Celeste and that her marriage to Antonio was also arranged. They've been married for three years now"

"So arranged marriages do have a chance of success" I say and he glances at me then turns to his phone again

"Some" he shrugs

Our weak conversation quickly runs out of oxygen and I resort to being busy with my phone too. I scroll though instagram also posting a few of my pictures then I go to Melo's page. He hasn't posted a lot lately so I scroll down to his older pictures. He hasn't unfollowed me and I don't have the heart to unfollow him either. In my heart, Melokuhle will always be my first love but right now I need to make this marriage with Gundo work. I mean, everything my dad and aunt have been telling me about him is true

He's a respected man, powerful too. When he enters a room there's this authoritative aura that surrounds him and demands that everyone take note. He hardly raises his voice or shows any emotion. I think the only time I've ever been able to see what he was thinking or feeling is when his with Thandi, he fully shows himself around her and when she's not there he becomes this mysterious man that I now have interest in uncovering

"We're here" Gundo says when the car stops and I make my way out then look at the black jet infront of us. The driver carries our luggage in and I walk behind Gundo. We get up the jet stairs and when we walk in I take a look around. I've traveled in my dad's jet before and he's somewhat personalized some parts of it into what I like but I'm definitely not disappointed with this one here. It's very classy looking and furniture had been arranged in a way that makes it spacious

Gundo walks me though it showing me the bathrooms and bedroom incase I'd like to nap then we go back to the seats. I choose to sit opposite him so as to get a clear view of the man. I'd be lying if I said Gundo isn't handsome because he is, he's very handsome and right now that's about the only thing catching my eye about him so I'm going to cling on to it. It'll be very hard to reach for his feelings so maybe I should give this a physical approach. I know I'm attractive and the clothes I've packed show of my gorgeous body and long legs. At the end of the day Gundo is a man. He may be able to keep his feelings on lockdown but he definitely won't be able to resist his physical urges. I almost chuckle when I think of how aunt Julie would react to my thoughts right now, I'm finally giving in to being noticed by my husband

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