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We get home at 5 p.m and Gundo is couped up in his study on some phone call. Melo excuses himself to go charge his phone in the room he always uses when he's around and I head to the kitchen to find something to snack on. I still have a bit of appetite and I know it'll disappear the minute demon Jerome walks in with his family so I choose to have a snack now

"You're back" Gwen says when I find her in the kitchen munching on a sandwhich

"Mmh" I hum in response "You look calmer than earlier" I recall her mini blow up with her brother about Lesley

"Yea well... Can you believe he actually did ask to be removed from the post of being my bodyguard? The nerve"I see her get worked up again

" Gwen, what did you do to him? "I ask and her eyes go wide when she looks at me like I've jusg said something offensive, this let's me know she's in the wrong, not Lesley

" Nothing, he drove me to meet someone I do business with... The guy got a bit handsy and I kind of got this idea..."

"What idea?" I close the fridge after aimlessly looking at it and not finding anything I'd like to eat right now

"I let the guy get too handsy... Maybe it was a little too much but come on, I wouldn't have to try this nonsense if Lesley would just be man enough to take control"

"So you tried to make him jealous? Well that worked out pretty well huh" I chuckle and she glares at me "Sorry, don't mind me. I'm just trying to calm my nerves"

"You're nervous about this evening?"

"Yes, I don't know how I'm going to get through this dinner Gwen"

"I can't imagine what you're feeling right now..." She says clearly being a bit out of her element, she's not the sentimental type

"Yea ey... We'll just have to wait and see"

"I always find that it helps to have a bit of background of who you're dealing with before you meet, that way you always have comebacks to their rude and snarky remarks, especially that Julie" she makes a disgusted face

"Whose Julie?"

"Jerome's little sister, she's a stuck up bitch who believes everyone is beneath her. Best believe she's gonna come at you guns blazing, you need to be prepared"

"I don't know a thing about her" I suddenly regret not researching about Jerome's family, now I'll just be a sitting duck taking shots from all of them

"I could school you a bit about the Smiths but just so it's on record. This isn't me taking sides between you and Emmé, whatever is going on there I'd like to not be mixed into it"

"I understand" I tell her, after all it would be unfair of me to force her to pick sides. At the end of the day she will pick Gundo's side and I'm not looking to start any family feuds

"Okay, Let's start with the head of the family, Jerome. He's a control freak, surely you've noticed. He hates when a woman challenges him so work on those nerves and you'll have him bidding farewell in an hour, then comes queen Julie, miss perfect, has a sharp tongue and. A husband who cheats like he gets paid for it. Obviously she conceals that information making it look like he's the perfect husband, currently he's fucking a bank teller by the name Amanda. Then comes princess Emmé, the apple of Jerome's eye, that girl is his entire world and she's a daddy pleaser too, she listens to him, obeys him and always follows his lead, she's obviously spoilt rotten, but she's not as stuck up as her aunt. Too calm for a rich girl with a gangster daddy but I always say, the calm ones are the most dangerous "Gwen shrugs

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