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We make it to Venda, Shayandima in one piece. It was one long jet ride with the siblings but one thing I enjoyed the most was spending time with Gundo. He also seemed to be having a good time but he did whisper in my ear that he wishes it was just the two of us so we could join the mile high club, something we've added to our "List of places to bang" that he randomly created

When we land there's already three cars waiting for us. Both drivers get off, put out bags in the car and hand the keys to Gundo and Given then they get in the third car

"Will you be riding with us?" Gundo asks Gwen

"And be a third wheel, no thanks. I think I'd rather annoy Gift" She smirks looking at Gift and I see the annoyed look on his face

We all get in the cars and soon we start moving

"So you guys don't bring drivers or bodyguards when you're here?"

"The guards will be there but not noticeable, the drivers stay behind. We don't want to bring on too much attention to ourselves"

"Do they know what you do?"

"No, according to our mother we run a legit company. Which does exist bit she doesn't know about the other dealings, nobody else does except my siblings and now you" He explains and I nod slowly

"Tell me more about your family, your aunt's and uncles, cousins" I try to lighten up the mood.. Whenever we talk about him bieng a mob boss there's just this heaviness that comes with the conversation, everything becomes too serious and right now I'm too nervous to have a serious and intense conversation

"Oh man, where do I start" He runs his chin with his thumb and grins at the though of his family "Well, they are likeable... When they want to be"

"What? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just imagine a few more Gwens, only older and a couple of Gifts, only older too. Then we have the cool ones -"

"Like Given?" I finish for him and he gives me a quick glare

"Like me" He says  "You think Given is cooler than me?"

"Well I mean he's quite composed, nothing can faze him"

"Where do you think he gets it from?" he says is with a 'duh!' tone


"Of course. I tried with Gift and Gwen too but sometimes you just have pick your battles and those two are definitely not worth it" he shakes his head

The rest of the ride is spent on me learning more about his family, he describes his mother and grandmother as sweethearts and I hope that's what they really are, I'd hate to see a different side to what he described

When we arrive I feel my nerves pick up. The place is packed, you can tell that there's a big celebration going on. There's women and men in different groups, they are all busy with something. There's kids running around and the moment the two SUV's park next to each other all eyes are on us

"Relax, if anyone tries to get on your nerves tell them you're with me" he says and I almost want to laugh

"You seriously want me to mention that I'm with you if someone comes for me? Do you realise how weak it'll make me look?"

"Okay then stay by my side?" he says

"Will you be joining the other men?"


"Then no, I can't be following you like a lost puppy"

"Last resort then, stick to Gwen. People are either afraid of her or annoyed by her, whichever one, you'll be safe"

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