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Things have been a lot more calm between Gundo and I. I must say that I've missed this level of peace and in a way I'm kind of greatful that we've had a distraction with him helping his friend. Ofcourse I'm not greatful for the trouble Khalid caused these people, especially Lorna but I'm greatful that for a while nobody mentioned Jerome's name, nobody mentioned Emmé or the wedding either, we've all been too focused on finding the missing ladies and now that that's done I'm so glad everyone is home safe. One thing I'm not happy about is tonight

The Smith's are coming over for dinner, something about Emmé coming to see the house she will be staying in and meeting the rest of the family. I'm not sure I can sit around one table with Jerome and not want to stab his face with a knife

Part of me wants to avoid the whole thing and not show up but at the same time I don't want to give Jerome and this Emmé girl the satisfaction so I'll have to find a way to cope but first I have a couple of things to pack up at my new house, Gundo kept his word and got me a house of my own. I'm already a home owner but it just came with my ridiculous demands and I didn't think he'd take it seriously but the day I signed on the dotted line it all became too real

It's a Saturday and I'm off so I've decided to go unpack a few things at the house with Melo. I plan on leaving my first house in his name and and he will be the rent collector from the new tenants there until he decides otherwise, whether he keeps it for business purposes or he decides to move in, It's all good with me. As long ad he's taken care off then I'm at peace

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with?" Gundo asks as I finish tying my shoelaces on my sneakers

"There's nothing much to do, and Melo will be there"

"An extra pair of hands can't hurt" he persists but I shake my head, I just need a moment

I get up and just as I'm about to walk away he locks in my wrist with his hand then pulls me to him

"You're pulling away from me" he states looking at me and I can't even look at him

The intensity of this situation is giving me so much anxiety and my anger has resurfaced and keepa getting worse with each passing day because when the sun sets I know I'm a day closer to having a sister wife

"I just don't know how to deal with all of this, It's too much Gundo and I don't know how I'm going to get though this" I fight my tears away, I hate that I'm becoming a crying mess again

"I know it's a lot my love, I know... But I've promised to always be by your side, this arrangement changes nothing for us"

"This arrangement is another woman Gundo"

"And she means nothing, she's just part of a deal. I know this and she knows it too"

"It's easy for you to say, you're not the one having to accept another man in your home. You're not the one who has to share a spouse because business or not. Jerome won't stop trying to get the two of you close, it's just a matter of time before -" I choke on this knot formed on my throat

Gundo places his hands on my cheeks" Thandiwe, I'm meeting my part of the deal with Jerome but that's it. Nowhere did we agree that he would control what happens in my house and I'll never accept that"

"And then there's this dinner" I pull away and throw my hands in the air "How am I expected to just sit with that devil? After what he did to Melokuhle? I despise that man and tonight I'm supposed to have dinner with him and his family?"

"If  it's too much then I'll understand if you can't come"

"Why? So I can give you and Emmé some free time to bond?" I glare at him

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