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I wake up to a running shower and an empty side of the bed where Gundo was sleeping. I tried silently staying awake last night thinking he might come a little closer or something but nothing. I even waited for his breathing to even out indicating that he's asleep but ended up dozing off before him

I sit on the bed leaving the covers to covers only the low part of my body and I'm thinking he will obviously have to pass me to get to the closet to get dressed so when I hear the shower go off I slightly push the sheets even lower then I sit and wait

It's a long while until the door opens and to my suprise he's already dressed. He's wearing a white shirt and black formal pants with black socks. As always, his shirt isn't buttoned all the way up and he looks so good, he must have picked his clothes before getting in the shower not wanting to walk around me in a towel

Well, I'll have to take one for the team

"Good morning" I say getting uo from the bed

"Morning, did you sleep well?" he asks, there's progress, I squill inside

"I did, you?"

"It was okay"

I start making the bed while he puts on his shoes and I go to run myself a shower too. Unlike him, I don't intend on getting dressed in the shower, so I only make sure I've got my towel, everything else, I'll do in the closet, with the door open ofcourse

I step in the shower and clean myself up while giving myself a pep talk. Gundo is hard to crack and I think last night proved it. He didn't even move an inch closer, nothing... But at the end of the day he's still a man, he's got to have a breaking point. Another thing that stands out to me is that he might be pulling up this resistance because be feels like letting me in would be a betrayal to Thandi. I do feel bad for her and the situation she's in but I'm in it too, whose going to feel bad for me? Everyone expects me to be okay with being a second wife and never getting any affection from him because there's already Thandi but it's not fair on my side... I'm not doing this to get rid of her, i don't mind her staying but I need Gundo to treat me more than just a deal or an inconvenient arrangement, I need him to see more when he looks at me and I need these conversations to stop being forced. Is that really too much to ask for?

I finish with my shower and prepare myself to head out with just a towel on. I slowly open the door and walk out then I'm met with a disappointment... Again

He's already gone.

"Fuck" I say to myself feeling a little disturbed by all this, I apply my lotion and look for something to wear. The way I'm so irritated with myself for even thinking he'd wait around makes me want to scream but I keep it all in, it's a process after all, I can't expect change in just hours

I choose to wear a pink off shoulder long sleeve dress. Like all my other dresses it shows off my figure and it stops mid thigh. I also put on my black strappy heels then I fix my hair and do my make up then I go out

Breakfast is served outside and whrn I join the others I first pass by Gundo whose on a phone call

"I just needed to hear your voice" I hear him say and I just know who he's talking to so I simply pass him and walk to the table where Celeste is

"Hey Mrs.N, how did last night go?"

"It didn't go Celeste, it went absolutely nowhere" I say and she frowns

"But he's all smiles right now"

"That's because he's talking to the love of his life" I say and she gives me a confused look

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