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As instructed...I pack

When I'm done I go downstairs with some of my bags in both hands

"I'm done" I announce to Gundo

"Is that all?" he looks at my luggage

"No, there's more upstairs"

"Get in the car, Marvin will bring the rest"

I don't ask questions, I'm too scared to ask questions right now and he's clearly doing everything on his power to remain calm

I consider sitting in the back just to avoid him but I decide against it. So far Gundo hasn't asked me anything about Musa or the Video, part of me wants to believe that Chase didn't show him but the bigger part of me knows that's far from the truth. He knows.

He soon joins me, getting on the driver side and I fasten my seat belt. His anger doesn't convince me that he's capable of getting us home safe, if anything, I wonder why he's taking me with him. If he saw the video then surely he should want nothing to do with me right now, All of this is just confusing

When we get on the road I steal glances at him, he repeatedly clenches his jaw and grips on to the steering wheel. The anger is radiating from his whole body and occasionally I see him subtly shaking his head

"You went to see Chase?"I Finally decide to ask

" Yes"

"Is he still alive?" I ask the obvious


I take a deep breath then I look at him again "Gundo, why did you insist on me going home with you?"My voice is so tiny right now its like someone or something is squeezing my throat

" You're my wife, are you not? "He responds with his own question

" I am... I'm just wondering if... "I trail off not feeling brave enough to finish my sentence

" If what? Is there something you know that would change how I view you as my wife? "his question comes like a sharp dagger aimed straight to my chest and I fail to answer" I asked you a question"

"N-No" I say and I don't know why I'm still lying but who in their right mind admits to sleeping with another man, while their husband is driving the car they are both in. I do not have a death wish, if we are going to talk about this then it won't be while we are on the road

"hmm" He hums in response and it goes quiet again. I decide not to poke him any further

We get home and two of the guards unload my stuff taking it up to our room. When I walk in Emmé stands there with uncertainty then when she sees he's not behind me she relaxes

"I had no other choice, he cornered me" she says

"I understand... I'm a bit tired" I say signaling that I want to go up

"Okay, Goodnight" She says and leaves, clearly she doesn't want to see Gundo either

I get to our room and try so hard to get comfortable but comfort doesn't come easy. I try to brace myself for when he eventually comes to confront me but that's in vain too because for the rest of the night, he doesn't show up

The following morning I prepare for work.  I'm stuck between wanting to see Gundo and wanting to hide from him. This is one tough situation

When I get to work I first look for Musa before doing my rounds and when I find him I feel so much relief that he's here, not lying somewhere dead

"We need to talk" I say and he nods. We find a quiet spot and I try to catch my breath

"What's going on T? You look like you've seen a ghost"

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