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I'm woken by the swishing sound of waves which gives this comforting feeling matching the matress that I'm sleeping on. The breeze I feel indicates that the door sliding door is open so I slowly open my eyes and look at Gundo's side of the bed, he's already up

I sit up on the bed pulling the sheets higheer up my chest forna bit of warmth then I look around the floor that's decorated with our scattered clothes, looking at them takes me back to when we arrived here last night

The minute Gundo locked the door behind him, he dropped all the bags and carried me instead. He walked both of us to this room and in no time our clothes were and that's how our steamy getaway started. We only slept after 3 a.m which is why I'm suprised that he got up earlier

When I reach for my phone to check the time I find that it's a little after 8 in the morning. I look around for something to wear and when I see his black shirt on the floor I get and to pick it up and put it on then I walk out to the balcony

It's so spacious with a table in the middle surrounded by three chairs and a little cute couch with cushions in a corner

Gundo is seated on one of the chairs facing the beach and he seems to be far in his own thoughts

I come from behind him placing the palms of my hands on his bare chest and dragging them down his abs "Good morning"

He puts his hands on top of mine "Morning baby"

"Slept well?" I ask straightened up so I can move to sit down

Gundo quickly reaches for my hand again bringing me to his lap then he puts both arms around me to lock me in and I put my arm around his neck getting comfortable "Better than I have in the longest time. What about you?"

"It was the perfect sleep" I look at him and smile

I know we still have things to work out but this moment right here is what I want to hold on to. I wantto hold on to the happy times because deep down I know the worst is coming and if Gundo and I don't make it out of this storm I don't ever want to forget how loved I once felt, I doubt this feeling will ever be matched by anyone else again in this lifetime

"Thank you for agreeing to come, It gives me hope Mufunwa"

"We both needed the break, from everything and everyone. And you thought of such a beautiful place" I look at our view loving it even more. This looks like a very private place, something Gundo would obviously go for and the beach just tops everything up too, I've been in the cape for years but I've never taken time to appreciate the beauty that it is and the peace that comes with being in a beautiful, quiet place like this "Did you bring my swim wear? I'd like to snap a couple of pics by the beach"

"I most certainly did, but then it means the pictures are going to have to be for my eyes only"

"Why is that?" I narrow my eyes at him

"Let's just say I may have picked out a pair that's a little bit racy" he has this naughty look on his eyes

"That's why you wanted to pack for mw, to provide entertainment for you eyes" I try not to smile and before he can answer his phone rings

I sit quietly as he answers and when he's done he puts it away "The chef is here, We should go downstairs"

"The chef?"

"I brought in a private chef to prepare our food for the duration of our stay"

"That's fancy, you're going all out"

"I aim to please" he smirks

"You go ahead, I'll change into something more appropriate first" I tell him before looking for something to wear amd he puts on a t-shirt first

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