Thinking To Much

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I had to run as fast as i could before Crainer starts complaining i was late again and i left my house without eating breakfast I just hate it when that happens, it was already 6:34AM and class starts at 6:40AM. I ran so fast i almost tripped, when i did luckily Crainer caught me, but when i looked up to see him, he had a disappointed looking face

"uh...hey don't kill me please"

I could already see he had the guts to throw me, I've never being earlier than Crainer he's probably one of the first kids to the here before the school even opened the gates,

"Bro, what's with you and being late"

I tried talking it out with him but he just turned his head and crossed his hands in disappointment even though this wasn't the first time this happened, i sighed and he let out a laugh, I did too and we just started joking about it.

"Anyways, Jelly have you heard?"

"what do you mean?"

I asked. Crainer told me that we have a new kid, but Crainer doesn't know which class he's in,

"he's over there leaning on the lockers, I think he's British too"

The guy had bushy darkish-brown hair and he was wearing a moroon or bloody red colored hoodie with dark-blue jeans, for some reason he has a bandage on his arm maybe he was hurt or something because it looked like he was bleeding.

Crainer said this guy is new but almost every girl in the hallway were surrounding him, but he was just ignoring them on his phone like nothing.

"Well do you know his name?"

"Nope haven't being told yet, but seriously this guy can actually pull chicks"

I looked over at him again and see that Crainer wasn't joking there were girls burying him, he was probably gasping for air at this point

"He just got here, but all those girls are already flirting with him?"

I sounded a bit jealous as i said to be honest, Crainer nodded though then turned to me grinning,

"wish you could have that many bitches around you?"


I shouted out with a cracky voice. We both laughed at each other, We were laughing for so long that i started hiccuping and everyone was gone, me and crainer ran to class still laughing so hard, it was weird but we didn't care because we were the weirdest duo in the whole school.

"Jelle, Benjamin, you two are late again, just go sit down"

Mrs. Zoe concluded. Me and Crainer sat down at our seats still looking at eachother making funny faces cuz we sit in the back of the class.

"So class if you might have not noticed yet we have a new student all the way from the UK"

I quickly thought she was talking about the new guy Crainer was talking about before

"Joshua, you can come in now"

I could hear all the girls squealing quietly and the boys rolling their eyed and gossiping about him and he haven't even walked in yet, the guy walked into our class with his hoodie on and hid his hands his pocket, for some reason i felt so weird while he was coming but maybe it was just because it was really hot in here or something...but I didn't think that was the case, or is it?... damn it stop thinking Jelly...

"Joshua, please introduce yourself to the class please"

He stayed quiet and looked around the class for a few minutes, he said nothing for a few seconds and the whole class were just staring at him and when I mean the whole class i meant just the girls in here, maybe he just didnt want to introduce himself.

"Ok, Joshua it's ok if you don't want to introduce yourself, i mean that happens a lot around here, you can just sit down, next to..."

All the girls immediately had their hands up thinking Mrs. Zoe would pick one of them, but that didn't happen, infact none of the girls got picked.


I froze immediately the whole class turned to the back looking at me like I'm some sort of maniac, Crainer froze for a second then turned his head slowly at me, and i looked at him but with my eyes not my head, it's kind of confusing to explain this situation I somehow got myself too.

Joshua started to walk to the back to the class all cool looking with his hands in his pocket, everyone else were watching him go to the back of the class, when he got here I looked the other way as fast as I could... Crainer thought i was feeling uncomfortable next to him he started making this sorry face for me, he looked scary, he had this one face that made him look scary and attractive at the same time, I've been staring back and fourth at him for half the period then i thought immediately something was wrong with me. He looked so pretty that i didn't realize I was daydreaming about him, Josh then turned his head at me... that's when I almost lost it, i was just frozen but still staring at him.

"Are you staring at me?"

He asked. but i didn't respond, i was scared and embarrassed at the same time, i switched my eyes over to Crainer. He looked so worried for me like he thought I was going to die,

"Hey, short shit I'm talking to you"

Some kids from the back heard us and started staring at us, when i had the courage to speak the only thing that came our of my mouth was I'm sorry and he just rested his eyes and turned to the front. When he turned to the front, Crainer whispered,

"Jelly, are you ok? Why was you face so red?"

"my face was red...?"

"uh..yea, the whole time you were looking at Joshua your face started blushing red, Are you sick? Should I be worried?!"

I shook my head at him slowly, telling him no then i turned back with a sigh. I then thought to myself why was i looking at this new kid, I hardly knew him and i feel like i was melting just looking at him. His hair, his eyes...his lips, they looked so attractive in some way to me, it even came to a point i couldn't even focus on the lesson. He eventually looked back at me and I stared away as fast as I could, he rolled his eyes at me I could tell that he was getting annoyed of me staring at him meaning we might not get along easily, a million things were running through my head right now that i didn't realize that Crainer lightly tapped my shoulder and whispered

"Jelly, snap back to your senses, Mrs. Zoe wants you to answer a question on the board"

My eyes lid up as in heard his words, i looked around and the whole class...except for Joshua were staring at me weirdly, i quickly got up and walked to the front of the class trying to keep my anxiety out of my way,

"Jelle, are you ok? You're looking a bit anxious you don't have to answer if you don't want too"

I looked up at my teacher with a little smile of my face and told her that it was ok that i was just thinking about something unimportant, I collected the chalk from her and quickly answered the question hoping my sweaty hands wouldn't drop the chalk, yes Mrs. Z was right i hated coming up here and answering questions she knew I had anxiety but i tried not to worry about it. I walked back to the class hearing some people whispering about me and staring at me, i sat back down trying to look emotional but that wasn't working. I let out a deep breathe trying to get my anxiety away and put my hand under my chin hoping this very embarrassing moment never happens again.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now