Shit, We Got Caught...

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Everything I've heard so far made me feel like I just let down a million people, I've never felt so pathetic... maybe I should give him another chance...

"Hey.. Thank you again, and I'll see you next time, alright?"

"Ok Jelle, I trust you,"

She put a smile on her face, and so did i. Me and her both waved bye and were on out way, luckily I wasn't that far away from Josh's apartment, but..there's a problem between that..I didn't think he would want to talk to me right now. I sighed and had no other option to go back to Crainer's apartment. I walked home miserably and wishing i could just hold and feel his warm hands..feel him and...augh... I walked into Crainer's place to see no one , that made me think where the hell did Crainer go...? As soon as I stepped in though to go to my room i saw someone suprise jumped infront of me, it was so sudden i almost gell was...CRAINER?? He had a smirk on his face and crossed his arms

"You might be wonderi-"

"Where the hell were you, and what the hell were you doing right now!!??"

"Woah woah, calm down bro, at least let me finish."

I stood in shape and crossed my arms, I looked back and forth again to see that the place looked a bit different.. a messy kind of different..

"Alright, so the thing is I'll have to tell you what's really going on when it's the right time."

"Huh? What do you mean by when it's the right time?"

"You'll see Jelly, you'll see,"

He closed his eyes proudly and hid his hands behind his back. He started walking away, damn what a strange friend he his. I let that out of the way and belly flopped on my bed i turned straight around and stared at the ceiling for a whole minute, I felt terrible..even though I am exhausted by him, i miss him I just feel relationship with him is not healthy, how will i ever confess my feelings when everytime something bad has to happen and get in the way it's being months and still-sigh i turned sideways and noticed one of his many hoodies he had gave me hanging in my closet, I got up and lazily walking to get it, it was a light tone of red and oversized this was the hoodie that always reminded me of him because red is his favorite color, i sat back down and started sniffing his aroma from his felt weird to do this still smelled like him augh...shit, I want him to kiss me..I want him to touch me...I want...him. i fell back down on my pillow, still sniffing the hoodie, i felt tingly..down there. I could just feel my face slowly boiling, fuck..I was getting horny, i shut my face trying my hardest to get my hands off from there but..I just couldn't hold back..while sniffing a bit of his cologne from his hoodie. I was so into it that i didn't even realize I was already masturbating...i felt ashamed but i just couldn't stop my hands instead i wish it were his hands touching me, I started getting upon myself

"Mmh..~ augh.."

I got a grip of myself I pulled my hands out, I felt disgusted of myself...I just want him here with me everytime i then thought to myself that I shouldn't just sit here and masturbate about just thinking about him and sniffing his aroma..I should confront him and talk it out with him I just really hope we figure it out, I ended up having trouble with sleeping, it just wouldn't get out of my head, when i finally got tired with this headache i went to the bathroom..what will i do..? What will i say...? Will he forgive me...? I really wasn't ok, i just didn't want him to hate me. I couldn't take it anymore I had to do something, I ran back into my room and grabbed his hoodie and my phone I checked my phone to see it wasn't as late as I thought it would be, I tip-toed out of my room to the hallway and saw nothing but the light were still on from the end of the hall, I took a breathe and started walking slwoly through the hallway to get startled by Crainer, he was just standing there staring at me

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now