(S3) Who Is This Guy?

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December began skyrocketing into seconds this past few weeks. Now, Christmas Eve is in about 5 days, and the temperature has died down to zero. I've been staying over at my boyfriends place for the past few days already. Crainer always recommended that i should just pack my bags and move in because i see Josh's plant on his side counter than him. I could understand that but as much as I wish to move in with Josh, Amelia is still living there and i can't possibly leave Crainer in his depressed state which as kind of died down a bit but not fully. Instead of knocking down my door, he actually comes in and tells me to wake up. The difference is exhausting. Just last week, Crainer started to call Ian a little bit more. Both have introduced themselves clearly, but their conversations aren't as long as a regular call would be. But you have to focus more on your progress and not disbelief it. I didn't feel like going back home since I'm still staying over at Josh's place, but i am almost worried about Crainer when I really shouldn't be.

"Hey, come here."

Listening to Josh's command, i followed it and sat down next to him. He picked me up again and made me sit on his lap.

"What's worrying you so much? Is it uncomfortable?"

"Nothing. I think I just need to keep my mind clear for a while, but we just came back from a date, so I don't really know what to do. I feel like going home now, Josh..."


"Well.. Amelia has to stay at a hotel for a few days because of me staying here for a while with you, so -"

"So she'll be fine. Don't worry."

Josh clasped my hands with his as if I'd stay with him for another 5 days. He's almost as greedy as ever now and much more protective. It's not new, but it's something we've been having trouble with resuming the relationship. At this point, all just remember is the prom date, separating for a few days, argument, this, and that. How tiring, but it was like going through mid-term college exams. I don't even remember ever taking those, to be honest. After a long 10 minutes of making out with Josh, so he let's go of me and let me go back home, I didn't want to but I feel like i left a 28 year old infant alone. He's selfish, so he decided to convince me instead. He even reminded me about that time I was walking home from Josh's old place and got into a truck accident. Y'know.. Amnesia and stuff. Those flashbacks led to bad memories, so now currently, I'm in the front seat of the jeep again with my lips bulging, and those marks are still visible as well. Josh, on the other hand, is just happy he can spend an extra 8 minutes with me in the car. Once we made it to the underground parking lot of the apartment, Josh stole one last one, and it ended up being another make-out session but in the car. I was expecting it to happen, but I just should've pretended I didn't. I'm already at the entrance of our place, no sweaty palms now because I'm more worried for Crainer than myself.. apparently. I twisted the nob, opening the door. I let myself, and the first thing I see is..
"Uh.. Crainer..? Who's that?"

I walked into something so unexpectedly that I thought I was half hallucinating due to stress or something. But Crainer was actually with a guy.. who is this guy..? The silence it the room was keeping my face still. Shocked, confusion, suprising, sudden. All 2 feet away from the entrance, where my 2 legs were as still as tree trunks. Gulping and sweat drippig down from each of our foreheads. I wished i could recall this guy's face, which made me realize how closest they were to each other .. wait. Don't tell me, i was gone for a few days, and he's already gotten a new roommate already!.. or no, maybe I'm just assuming. I sighed and decided to walk into my house, with those 2 unable to move.

2 minutes had passed since I've found Crainer with this guy. I couldn't recall his face, so i kept my assumptions that it's his new roommate. Or i must be thinking wrongly. I did ask them questions, though. If each of us had microphones, it'd be even more suspenseful. Like a podcast. They both were flustered in some way I couldn't really understand. The guy on the right was just a new face, so i didn't have any intendente to care about him.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now