(S3) He Rewrites

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Crainer's POV

Last Night: 12 23 20XX..

It became quiet after Ian budged off. He'd still wave the same way, even though he was already in front of the door. It made me feel guilty to just kick him out like that. It was for the best, and it's late already, and i couldn't afford to have him around.. while he was even talking about having a wife and kids. It made me wonder if that's already happened for him... what a stupid accusation that is. I could finally focus now, but it's not worth seeing him tomorrow because we all planned to gather here since i was the only sensible one to decorate, apparently. It made me feel proud at first, but then made me realize they tricked me into doing all the uselessly large amount of work. It's the second to last day of this year, and it's not as exciting as all the other years. Maybe because of the random number of old friends.

I walked over to see the snow beginning to pile up over lamp posts. It was still as bright and crowded as any other NY street. These westerns and southerners would go on till 3 just to chant and make money. On the 4th floor, it's kind of.. pretty looking at the lights. Maybe I'll see some of my own sightseeing from the balconey since insomnia is still playing its part. . . Ian said he was excited about coming tomorrow, a little too excited.. just at a time like this. I wouldn't do the ssme. Ian is mature, but.. he usually always acts immature around people he sees as kids. I don't want him to act like that around me, though. It's been a while.. so I guess i should take it slow myself. He only remembers the 16 year old me, with radish hair because my hair color always reminded me of a radish. But i want him to grow into 28 year old me as well.. though.. I figured we got the dates wrong as well.

Dammit.. at a time like this. Why am I thinking about him so much..? This won't help...

Jellys POV

Current day: 12 24 20XX
- 12:32 PM

It's been a day since i met Josh's mother.. it wasn't as bad as it seemed to me but the amount of guilt with remembering the expression that lit on her face. Maybe because Josh brought me.. instead of a woman. It didn't look like i was the only one stressing about it. Earlier, we were just glad the meeting went smoothly. It was still as important as ever, but it just stressed Josh even more. I want to calm Josh down. If I really had courage to.. the current day is the 24th. Christmas.. Eve. I'm not sure what we are doing on Christmas Eve. The Crainer sent me a picture with the whole place packed on the group chat. Everything and everyone was there and placed already. They seem to be waiting for me and Josh... we got home a few minutes ago and are already dressed for bed. Since Amelia left eaelier than us today, she must have the energy.. I was just in a robe for now, unable to get dressed because of the guilt that scored up for missing this party. I flinched to the sound of the door closing from the bathroom. It was just him in his robe as well.

My expression was calm, but Josh must've noticed something by now. He sat next to me at the edge of the bed, staring deeply into my phone. His arms were crossed, and he was eyeing me a little bit tensly.

"Do you want to go to the party, Jelle?"

"I've been asking myself the same thing.."

Josh let out a plentiful grin. He tossed his head around, and It's just now that I'm noticing his dark eyebags beginning to show itself again. The scar on the bottom of his eye made it a bit more depressing.

"I don't think we should go Josh, your still really tired."

He seemed glad that i noticed. He rested on my shoulder and clasped our hands. Sometimes, I feel bad for Josh's back because he needs to bend down drastically just to hug me sometimes. I paid my attention on Josh's fingers fiddling. The scars and marks.. and the difference. We both give out many different vibes, his makes my fingers look flat at the end.

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