(S3) Our 11 Years Apart

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12 25 20XX
-8:43 pm

Christmas Day..

..will come to an end in a few hours. At this time, we waved each other goodbye after leaving the bar. Sanna decided to take the drunkens so I could spear some time, i kept finding bottles under the sofa. Jelly and Josh made it this time and left together. It was good but bad at the same time, I felt drunk too, but I wasn't aware if the only person around me was drunk as well. He's sober since we had so many rounds of shots, and I don't even want to talk about karaoke... I thought I wasn't drunk, but I can't really see me getting sober anytime soon. When we left this afternoon. I wanted to act mature again. But quit faster than I was intending to. only me and him right now, I just want him to go home, and I can go by taxi.. I have no energy right now.

"Ben, you really are drunk.."

"Mghn... no, I'm... not"

I've blown my cover of being mature, I'm definitely not in my right mind either. I should.. sober up quickly.. so i can leave.. then Ian can.. also... leave.

"Ben.. are you okay?"

Dammit, how long can i hold this for.. the feeling of a light head grabbed me worse than the last times i was really drunk. Well, this is my fault for being too confident. Right now, my I'm debating on either. I try going home by taxi or.. I let my guard down and let Ian take me home. After talking about my low level of maturity, that shows when I'm only around him... the first option is already busted because I got robbed into buying beer with... my money-


"Aah!.. o-oh.."

"We should leave now. Isn't that enough for your system?"

I could pass out at any moment, but dazing at him kept me awake and alive.. the worst part about it was everything.. was beginning to spin. This whole time, I've been answering his questions by screaming. I need to answer.. properly..

"..yeah, we should.. go now.."

Ian picked himself up, and i copied with my little bit of strength. Honestly, i should be proud of myself for being able to stay stable for this long after so many shots.. or is it just my luck.
We proceeded out of the bar with Ian holding onto my shoulder with his arm wrapped around me. I couldn't confuse him because i dont wanna fall in front of him. A minute ago, I said I was stabe and straight, not realizing i was limping over many times, just trying to take a step. I so regret planning this all with everybody in the first place...

"My house is closer around this area."

"Huh!.. your.. place?"

"Yeah, we should probably get you in as soon as possible."

Not only is he carrying all my support, but he's letting me crash at his place. I guess I shouldn't push myself too hard because, in the end, it won't be noticed and remembered later on anyway.


His place really was much closer. I didn't even think about how much he'd have to carry me. Even though everything felt like a glitching computer screen. I flinched to the different smell and atmosphere of his house.. it smelled. . . Familiar. But, I need to keep my act together one way or another because it's Ian house... Ian's house. What will I do? I probably smell like crap right now.. and im probably getting my senses back being in here.

"Make yourself comfortable,"

"Uhh.. t-thanks"

I'll try to act like a visitor.. again, my body reacted to Ian, taking off his jacket and hoodie. Dammit, this could be the time everything comes falling down...

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now