(S2) Mission Complete

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Day 3 of staying here was when I started to feel stiff around him. I'd always wake up way before him because and it's honestly for the best, i dont need to see his face as soon as I wake up and it also gives me more time to not look like a busted up motorcycle infront of him. Just yesterday.. I had already given myself enough second-hand embarrassment, so it's best it doesn't happen again. Now we're staying in this hotel for a couple days, it's important to use our time properly, or i mean my time. When i mean properly, i mean.. making up about our relationship and tell me more about the secrets Josh has being keeping from me ever since, luckily on my own, i was able to find out a lot of things that's been hidden from me, but it all leads to another secret. I look at it as if it's a timeline type of puzzle and just need the correct events to match with each of the time the secrets I've been told those secrets. Though.. I can also think of it as a simulation game, as if getting this to get that. Right now... I need to somehow get Josh and that blonde girl together for a meeting or something because i need many reasonable answers. . . But now I'm literally kind of living with him at this fancy place, I hardly go outside now because of this, honestly.. I feel like I can't use Josh as an exuse, but i can't just go because he'll come looking for me. I wanna end up escaping, i don't want to fully run away from here, I just need regular oxygen...! Right now, I locked myself in the bathroom because the bed is too comfy and I'll fall asleep, i can't find a better way to clear my head. I eventually woke up late, so i missed breakfast.. Josh isn't here right now.. I dunno where he went, but that should be the least of my worries. I'm only babbling about this in my head, i dont really know how to escape someone who's worth more than a million... my heart almost skipped a beat once I heard the clack of the door, currently.. I'm still not over the sound of that door. I can't just hide in here.. I squirmed around. Apparently, i forgot i locked the door, so I became even more anxious. When i found myself in front and the figure facing me, i froze, almost scared to talk. It looked like he knew I was already in here en before i screwed up.


Why's it always like this..? I know he's much more aware than this. This atmosphere is getting me flustered..


I saved time by talking while walking, which are both things i can distract myself from him. Knowint what i say and where I'm walking.. I noticed some bags in his hands... is it some type of food..? Because I was starving to death in there. . Nah Jelly, don't take food from him..!

"You hungry?"


"Since you missed breakfast. I would've woken you up, but you were sleeping soundly."

"No.. I'm fine. "

How can he say something like that without feeling... weird? I should just decline. Luckily, i answered fast enough, and now that I'm just realizing it, i keep saying that's I'm alright when I'm not. . . If he suspects that, I'm sorta losing my patience doing it. I just don't want to keep leaning on him after everything. But so suddenly.. he moved closer, and so did my heart from exploding. He also gets to close when he does this kind of thing...!

"Jelly, you didn't eat much yesterday. I want you to at least eat something"

He's pushing it now. Should I just... listen? But the only reason he's acting like this towards me is only because he's upset about two months ago... when we had those fights..... if he wasn't hiding his anger this much, he would have been trying to make it up to me up until now, seeing his actions... there's no sign of him doing that. I'm too afraid to make it up to him myself, ever since i did that. It just led to trouble. I want to ask him... how i can make it up to him, but that seems too difficult.

"Let's talk for a minute."


Josh placed the plates of food down that my eyes kept poking holes into, then I felt a hard hand embrace mine so suddenly.. once he began stroking his fingers around my palm was when I felt the shiver go down my spine. He paused that and moved me to the bed, his hand... his hand was still around mine, even when he sat he still hasn't let go.. I felt my face getting full and my heart throbbing a bit. It took me a while to realize his eyes were locked onto mine the whole time, I pretended I didn't notice so i just kept looking around, if i noticed his sharp eyes, I'll be flushed infront of him... it went on for a while until his fingers were starting to stroke my palm.. it just felt soft but also a bit ticklish.. is he doing this on purpose..? He can't be. He's mad at me. He's probably just trying to make me look at him. I really don't need to!... he can just say it, or else i can't take it

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now