(S2) Timing

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A couple of days into December.. time passes as if it's nobody's business, i wouldn't be so stressed out if Crainer would stop texting me about which Christmas tree he should pick that probably won't even fit inside our apartment. I couldn't think straighter than before.. it just got worse after reaslizing what i unseasonably saw when i wasn't supposed to... I should've just drank till i dropped.. I felt relived now that i know that in 3 days, but it's already landed me into giving Josh a whole trivia.. and.. we'll set our eyes on each other again.. I was also scared, of course. In fact, it's not even 3. It's 2 now... in the next... 48 hours. My heart started to pound without notice as if Josh was right in front of me. . . When he's not.. I don't know if I'm just overwhelmed.. or just impatient. Why can't he just be here already? I felt like I hadn't slept in days. Staring at my empty looking room with just wires, clothes, and posters keeping its company. I feel like there's something I've forgotten about..

!!.. . .


"Why do you want me to have another hoodie..."

"Just in case you forget about me and move on to someone else,"

I looked back at him without any emotion. What did he mean in case i forgot about him.

"What do you mean?"

"It's only a present just so if you ever wanted to move on the, you will remember that somebody named Josh was in your life"

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. . .that hoodie

He said he gave me that hoodie incase i forget him. I was so stunned with my own flashback that i didn't realize I was already on my feet.. on my way to the closet. I pushed myself in a bit to try and reach the deep end.. it's a mess down here.. and I think.. that hoodie is somewhere gasping for surveillance. Until.. I did find it.. but there was also another one.. and another...? How many has Josh really given to me.. or are these just old? Even if I didn't forget him or even try to forget.. I can't believe I forgot about these hoodies. I picked up the moroon or bloody red colored hoodie.. I remember he wore the exact same color the first time we met. . . It still looks the same but is very wrinkled. I placed it down to go and admire the others.. I picked up the gray hoodie with yellow polka-dot on the sleeves. This was probably one of my favorite ones.. ha..- . . . I then picked up the last of the 3 i found. The much darker one. It was plain with no hidden designs.. but I admire this one.. it was the first one.. he ever gave me. . . My heart throbbed a bit, and i pulled this one close to me. My eyes squinted, which made me notice something... small. I pulled the hoodie away to find the hidden design in the hoodie.. on it's right... the letters were coded with a dark red.. but were noticeable for me.. --


. . .

What is ..that..?

I admired the 3 letters again painted in the darkest shade of red... the font the letters are in seem a bit excessive.. I flicked my head feeling idiotic for some reason.. for all i know, this has to be some abbreviation for something.. the letters "SLG" doesn't ring anything. Ahh.. I'll just ignore it.. maybe it's the brand of the hoodie.. I dunno want to think about it... ignoring the letters, I slipped on the hoodie. I was expecting Josh's aroma to fade away after all this while it's been buried under my stuff.... but thinking and knowing about it triggers me. and it's still suprisenly big for me.. my palm was almost buried in the ends of both sleeves, and it reached up until it was under my waiste.. I laid down and shuffled around my bedsheets.. it didn't feel as comfortable, so I just pushed my heavy blanket out because Joshs hoodie gave me enough comfort already.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now